View Full Version : Still needing help regarding fear of schizophrenia

27-07-16, 20:01
Hi guys, I posted about a week ago about how I've been terrified that I've been developing schizophrenic symptoms. And I feel they're getting worse. I don't know if it's my fear that is creating worse problems or not.

I'd like to start by saying, I don't believe I've had any sort of delusional thinking, or any fear of someone hurting me or being out to get me. But I've been having odd instances of hearing things. I'm just really hoping this is a byproduct of my obsession. I haven't heard any particular voices, or anything like that. But I've found that if I obsess over a sound, I feel like I can convince myself I'm hearing them out loud. Like earlier today, I was in the car and I started singing a song, and I practically thought I was hearing it out loud. And the other day I was sitting at my computer while watching a video and thought, "what if i hear someone call my name?" and of course, I started thinking I heard someone say my name. The best way I can explain these "hallucinations," if you will, is that they're similar to hypnagogia. It's like I hear them, but after I stop zoning out, they seem to go away. I haven't had any visual hallucinations that I would deem irregular. I've not seen any figures, etc. And I think it's worth mentioning that I suffer from Panic Disorder, and I'm a major hypochondriac. Also, another sidenote, is that some days, I can feel completely okay. Like if I can keep my brain busy and focused, none of these occurrences seem to happen.

I'm just really looking for some help guys, please. I've had the worst past couple of weeks.

27-07-16, 23:24
See a therapist. It's obvious this anxiety is causing it's own symptoms so all you need to do is go to a therapist. To be completely honest I've never been to a therapist. But one way I can extremely help my anxiety is by talking to someone which may even be yourself (yes I talk to myself :D) and just let them know how you feel about your anxiety and you will realize the fear is unreasonable either by them telling you or yourself realizing it as you speak. Therapists are trained to help you with years of experience. It's more than likely they've had similar cases.