View Full Version : Have we caught my brothers third psychotic episode early too prevent it?

27-07-16, 20:29
Hi, I wasnt sure where to post this, but as its too with health and affecting my anxiety I thought here but feel free to move if needed!

As some of you may know from previous posts over the last year or so, my brother has had a tough time which has resulted in two mental breakdowns(Psychosis) where it was so bad he was sectioned twice.He removed himself from his medication around March time and has been fine(He has never taken the medication properly as advice by the mental health team) but he had shown no signs up until now.

When he had his first two breakdowns he was having delusions and hallucinations about 'Conspiracys' 'the Illuminati' and also 'hard men' around the area we live in, where he was living with his girlfriend we never spotted the signs as we didn't see him enough too notice the changes. About a week and a half ago I noticed him on facebook searching these 'well known' names of our area, so I told my mum and she said keep an eye on him, he had shown no other signs and was doing everything as normal (still is) but Sunday night he got really drunk he came home and too me he seemed fine(just drunk) it was until an hour later his friend text me, he said that my brother had been sending messages to him regarding conspiracy theories and Illuminati, I told my parents straight away and the next day once he was sober they sat him down and spoke to him and said they feel he is showing signs, he said he felt fine but said he did not want to have another breakdown and has started his medication again. He seems fine sober and shows no signs(apart from searching people on facebook), it only comes on when drunk.

My mum rang the mental health team and spoke to the ones who know his case and said we suspect early symptoms, they said he needs to be on his meds until told otherwise but said going on the meds now will stop it getting further and cannot drink and too see his GP for check ups and my brother has agreed to this.

My parents arent worried now as they have been told what to do by the doctors, but i am worried as it was just a phone call and not a proper check up so the doctors could be wrong. Right now he is calm and his normal self. But I just wandered what you guys think? Have we done well in spotting this early and hopefully stopped it going to the full breakdown where he gets sectioned? Would just like opinions.



28-07-16, 14:08
Hi Shaun,

I think you have done exactly the right things. You are looking out for him and hoods willingness to take early action shows he understands, accepts and appreciates it.

He needs you all to do this for him.

You could have avoided confronting the issue due to anxiety but you didn't and you put your family first. It takes courage to face the difficult and scary times of uncertainty but you stepped outside of your anxiety and did what was needed.

Your brother is lucky to have you all looking out for him. Feel proud of yourself and don't let your anxiety raise all those "what ifs" that it likes to in these situations.

30-07-16, 19:10
Thank you for the kind reply MyNameIsTerry.

Yes I feel we have done the right thing and he is calm and living his life normal, but today I caught him watching a video about the 'illuminati' so I am still worried he is having a breakdown but he's only been back on his meds since Monday/Tuesday, other than that he is 100%, working,gym,running,not drinking. But him watching these videos was the start of it last time, but last time he was anxious, not working, paranoid etc. Maybe I am reading too much into it and my anxiety getting the better of me. I just hope the medication is working.