View Full Version : brain tumor

20-03-07, 18:16
Hi everyone. I think i may have a brain tumor! I have been getting headaches recently that last all day. I wake up and its there and i go to bed and its still there! Not even nurofen shifts it. ive always been prone to headaches but these ones are different! I did a search on the internet and now i think i have a tumor! I keep feeling really nauseous as well as the headaches which is another sign of a brain tumor. I feel really irritable aswell but i dont know if thats just to do with my anxiety. Also i dont know if this has anything to do with it but i feel as though my jaw is aching and i am slurring my speech a lot. I feel really sleepy and my eyes feel funny, the back of my head and neck are aching alot too. Does anybody know the proper facts of a brain tumor coz im starting to get really paranoid now. Im only 22. Surely i cant be dying! Your advice and info would be a great help.

Also can i just add, i get these sharp pains at the side of my head that only last a split second but they knock me for six. And can anybody relate to this? ive had a bad cold on and off for weeks now but has anyone felt that their head is full. Thats what mine feels like and its like i have water in my ears. My cold has gone but this has stayed.

Aly xx:ohmy:

20-03-07, 18:33

Have a read on here - I just replied there...


20-03-07, 20:15

i dont know if this will help, but my brother started getting constant daily headaches like you, and when he went to docs for tests they found that it was his computer chair that was doing it to him. when he bought a better chair, his headaches went away.

20-03-07, 20:39
sounds more like tension headaches to me, very few brain tumours actually present with headaches,particularly like the ones you describe. I know if you google headaches you will get brain tumour/cancer,but if you were to see a medic with those symptoms it wouldnt be the first thing they would think of.Tension headaches are quite often not relieved by simple analgesia either.Checking out your posture doesnt seem like a bad idea either. Perhaps a massage or some form of relaxation may help relieve the tension.

20-03-07, 22:04
I think you could do with a relaxation massage to relieve the tension you have in your head and neck. The nausea that you have is the anxiety.

The symptoms you (headaches, sharp pains, sore neck etc) have are what I have had and I thought the same as you. It turned to to be just really tight muscles.


21-03-07, 12:45
im suffering like this to at the moment. since last week iv been waking up with headache and they seem to be lasting nearly all day. I feel sick, my neck aches and i feel like i cant hold my head up. i feel so tired to. my nose feels really stuffy so its probably to do with that, but like u i start to wonder if its someting more serious.
I do occasionally get the sharp pains in the side of my head to x

21-03-07, 13:36
Agree that is sounds like tension headache, I get them too, once had one constantly for 4 weeks!!!

Best to take anti-inflamatry drugs like Ibuprofen and try to relax

I tend to get them in the back of my head and neck and they are horrible so know exactly where you are, I thought it was a brain tumour too, but tend to always go for the worse case scenario!! :blush:

It will get better though


21-03-07, 21:11
I have exactly the same symtons.
Have been to the doctorrs 3 times thinking it was a brain tumour and have also had my eyes tested as that can show up abnormalities.
Started to feel like my speech was sluring and even misjudged a step and fell over.
The doctor thinks it is a combination of cluster headaches and tension.
She perscribed amitriptyline which seem to work.
Yours sounds the same.
Good luck, think positive it will get better

25-03-07, 02:17
That could be my post at any time my anxiety is up! I have exactly the same type of symptoms as you describe...After 3 CT scans and an MRI scan just a few months ago I'm having to accept that it is just anxiety.
(I'm only 24!) My headaches aren't helped by any mediations - the only thing that does help is the application of a heat pack to my neck or the side of my head. Try one of those wheat bag things, they don't take away the pain but they sure do help!
I won't go into the specifics of brain tumour symptoms (which i have studied for the past 2 years) cos i think its dangerous like "googling", but if you have any questions please feel free to message me. I know what it's like to feel the need to be armed with all of the information out there! Of course, I'm not a professional though, just a professional headache experiencer!!!! Good luck

25-03-07, 02:42
alyb - did that help?

25-03-07, 02:45
alyb hasnt been back for a few days

27-03-07, 20:30
also high blood pressure can cause headaches.....I get them if I am stressed.

27-03-07, 21:06
Mirry - interesting you say that cos I never get headaches and i had high blood pressure for years.

I know that de-hydration can cause them.

27-03-07, 22:05
Nic, last year my son was being bullied by this horrible boy at school,
so I went mad, got really angry about it and started feeling like my head was going to pop, went to the doctors and he said my blood pressure was up and that was why i was getting the headaches....usually in general i have low blood pressure.
Having said that when my mum was pregnant with me, her blood pressure went up so high she was in danger and so was i.....she said she felt great ,lol.

so jems like
24-08-08, 22:52
hey, I have exactly the same problem now .. in the beginning of my anxiety, I didn't really have headache problems until recently. Then I started getting aches in different areas and became sleepier, which made me worry more. I also researched things about brain tumors, but don't worry. Stress can do so many things to your body. It can create pain in any areas of your body. It is probably just tension headaches, migraines, etc. Try doing some relaxing techniques or even taking a yoga class. Stretch out your body and exercise. Do activities that will relax your body.

30-05-13, 21:37
I have EXACTLY the same symptoms! Completely identical, headaches and pressure behind my eyes that seem to last all day. Ibuprofen seems to ease it for a bit but then it just comes back... I'm only 18 and I know that the chances of me having a brain tumour are something stupid like 0.007% but I just can't shake the thought :/ Been feeling so tense lately! :(