View Full Version : Ear Fullness as a symptom of anxiety

28-07-16, 11:29
Hi everyone,

Me again :unsure:

I have been struggling with anxiety big-time recently. It all seems centred on my neck/mouth/throat. I don't know what is going on as I have been so "well" for a long time up until about a month ago.

In the last month my worries have been:

Smells on breath + abnormal liver function (I was in hospital) = liver failure (reality was it was just my body recovering from a condition called OHSS)

Lump up nose with slight bleeding = nose cancer(!) my normal deviated septum (wonky nose) and a nose bleed

Sore throat = throat cancer

Since last Thursday I've had ear fullness and aching pain in my left ear and neck. This sent me into a total frenzy of anxiety and I went to see an ENT who scoped my nose/throat.... apparently I have redness caused by reflux on my larynx... However.. the ear fullness and neck discomfort hasn't stopped and I'm trying to get my mind to accept it as anxiety.

Has anyone else had this? I keep trying to pop my ear, prod my neck etc. I have no infection in my ear apparently, so the only logical conclusion is that it's anxiety.



29-07-16, 09:48
No one has ever had ear fullness from anxiety? If you have I would love to hear! Xxx

29-07-16, 13:54
I have had the opposite for quite some time. I can't fill my ears, they're always in a "popped" state. lol

30-07-16, 20:36
I have had ear "fullness" a few times. It comes with my anxiety. I've been told by my dentist and ENT that it is because when I get stressed I clench my jaw. I do it a lot and don't realize it. That can cause inflammation in tubes past your eardrum and will trap fluid. So it feels like they are full. Try and notice if your jaw is tense when you are at rest. You may even do it all night.

31-07-16, 09:11
Thanks for your replies anxietysuckss and robkine.

That's really interesting robkine - did you have it in both ears or one? I am 95% sure mine is anxiety as well... mainly because when I wake up and am relaxed I don't have it... i suspect it may be similar to globus- that choking sensation... where it's muscle tension and you become hyper aware. I was a bit worried it could be my thyroid yesterday... as I am pregnant and this anxiety has come out of the blue...I have also lost a bit of weight, but am slowly regaining... but I've also been off my food probably because of all the hormones. Anyway, I'll have a chat with the doctor about how I'm feeling and listen to their suggestions.

Normally when I feel anxious like this I go for a run - not really possible!!!
