View Full Version : Vision issue?

Mike P
28-07-16, 13:46
Hi everyone!

I am new here. I just signed up today and have been lurking around the site for the last couple of days.

I have a weird vision issue that I cant explain to well which is the biggest problem on why its causing me grief.

The best way I can describe it is: Everything I look at (wall,computer,ceiling floor) has a bright hue to it. when I look at words I feel like there is a bright hue around the letters, but I am still able to read everything fine.

When I look at a wall I see small bright specks all over the place and sometimes I will see something similar to when the flash of a camera goes off and you look around and still see the flash.

also my right eye lid has been twitching non stop with out a break for a few weeks.

I had my eyes checked and everything was great. I have a small astigmatism in my left eye.

Is it just anxiety kicking my butt or what?

Gary A
28-07-16, 13:48
Anxiety can make everything seem more highly defined. It's most probably to do with your fight or fight being on constant red alert. This dilates the pupils and can cause a whole host of vision issues.

28-07-16, 14:10
I am so happy you posted this! I've been struggling with the same thing for a few weeks now. So I can guarantee that it's just anxiety. No need to overthink it, positive vibes

28-07-16, 14:31
I was having eye issues a while back like the ones you are having I was also suffering with bad headaches and neck aches which obviously sent my HA through the roof so I went for an eye test after reading online (grrrrrrrr) that an optician could detect things like tumours and potential stroke after the test all was found was astigmatism in both eyes I was so relieved after he explained what that was I was even dumb enough to ask the optician did you find anything else in there and he replied "like what? your brain? nope couldn't find that" lol he was a lovely chap. Anxiety can play many tricks and I guess one of those tricks is hypersensitivity making you aware of things you just didn't quite care about in the past. Oh and as for the eye lid twitching thing I've had that for years it comes and goes quite annoying actually and embarrassing when talking to someone and it has been known to be caused by stress. You'll be fine as long as you work on your anxiety levels.

Mike P
28-07-16, 14:53
Thanks for all the quick replies everyone.

help me 21
29-07-16, 11:59
I'm glad I found this post iv been highly anxious for 3days now. And seeing white specks on walls etc even blue dots I bad a bad panic attack when amblance crew was here at my house because i had a bad panic attack and I remember seeing blue dots and white specks and fuzzy vision its like a flash from a camera anyone else ? Iv been having it dahs. Iv got sereve depersonalization a d high levels of anxiety right now