View Full Version : Red patch on side of tongue - anyone please!!!

28-07-16, 15:06
I know I posted this before, but I'm desperate for some reassurance.
About a week ago I found a red patch on the left side of my tongue. It's not sore nor does it feel raised. I googled and I can't stop panicking now. I'm getting sick with worry.
Anyone ever had anything like this, please.......
I really need some reassuring words!

28-07-16, 15:20
Your anxiety sounds terrible. Noone can realistically reassure you other than a doctor or a dentist. I have a lot of worries about my mouth and throat and there are so many lumps and bumps and patches in there. It can be a shock if you've never really looked in your mouth properly before - especially with HA. If you're due a dental check up anyway, why not make an appointment? Or the sensible (non HA) thing to do would be to wait a week or so and see if it goes or if it gets worse. hope you feel better soon.


28-07-16, 15:39
I'm an oral cancer survivor. Nothing you said remotely raises a red flag at all.

Positive thoughts

28-07-16, 16:49
Thanks for your replies spacebunnyx and FishManpa.
Every time I think I'm getting a grip on this it just spirals out of control again.
If you're reading this Fishmanpa, I know you replied to my previous post about tiny red dots on my tongue. They seem to have disappeared, but this is an actual patch of red on the tongue. Do you still think there's no red flags with this?
Sorry if I'm being a nuisance here, but the fear of this is driving me crazy....

28-07-16, 16:55
I'm sorry you're still worrying about this. I'm a cancer survivor, not a doctor. I relayed to you my personal experience concerning oral cancer. Reassurance doesn't work as demonstrated time and again. That being said, you can pay for professional reassurance by going to the doctor if you're that concerned. My gut tells me it will be a "told ya so" result.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

28-07-16, 17:00
Thank you FishManpa.
I think at this stage I will have to get it checked out. You can't put a price on peace of mind. And I hope you're right with the "I told you so" result - fingers crossed