View Full Version : Worried even when I don't have symptoms

28-07-16, 19:25
I don't even really have any symptoms at the moment. My period just randomly disappeared but it's done that before so at the moment I'm not overly concerned about that. Other than that I feel completely fine now, I'm not really having any weird symptoms going on but for some reason I still feel like something is horribly wrong with me... Every night I go to sleep I'm scared I won't wake up. I'm constantly checking things almost like I'm looking for a reason to be worried. Anyone else still feel like this even when there aren't any symptoms really present? This has been going on for over a year. I really want to look into talking to a therapist or something at least but my parents won't understand and I have no idea how to go about explaining myself, i get really nervous around people and I'm not good with words at all. They will probably just look at me like I'm crazy. Half of the time I don't even think I have any anxiety going on and that these symptoms are very real and very serious so I have reasons to be be as worried as I am but considering it's literally something new with me every week I know it's not normal. I don't know I'm just tired of feeling like this

28-07-16, 22:34
Your young and you need to get the better of this anxiety before it affects your life long term.
Can you discuss with your Dr without your parents being there? All you need to do is explain that you worry about any health symptoms all the time and are fearful of different conditions all the time. Drs are used to this and won't think you are silly or not believe you.
Having therapy now could help you enormously.

28-07-16, 23:34
Thank you, I am going to look into it. Would my regular Dr. have to refer me to a therapist? Im just really worried he wouldn't believe me or realize how bad it is for me. A few minutes ago I was reading something about moles and I looked on my arm and one of my moles is kind of irregular shaped so now I'm so freaked out that it's cancer. I showed my mom and she said that it looks fine, but now I'm completely in another panic. I'm worried im going to spend the rest of my life in constant fear like this