View Full Version : Another worry.. occasionally feels like my eyes go cross eyed, but they're not?

28-07-16, 23:14
Hello i'm back again with another worry. I've had this problem on and off since my anxiety first started actually. I have recently been to an opticians and nothing is wrong with my eyes, they couldn't see anything wrong. I understand anxiety can mess with your vision.

Basically, my eyes start to feel heavy, and all of a sudden it feels like my eyes are going cross eyed. It makes me panic so much. I ran to the mirror for the first time ever to look and they were completely normal. They didn't move, didn't look cross eyed.

Could it be potentially because they're strained? I spend a lot of time on the computer and also, watching television. Also, I didn't have much sleep last night.

I don't know if i'm overreacting or if I should genuinely be worried about this. when i experience it, it's so scary. So, I was wondering if anyone else has maybe had this before also?

29-07-16, 04:48
I think I get this sometimes. Like my eyes are just over whelmed and just need rest. I just get a cold wash cloth or ice and lay down and relax with the cloth over my eyes. Works every time. I think it's a tension headache thing

29-07-16, 07:41
I get this too. I blame it on over straining my eyes when I am anxious because I seem to 'see' more when I am anxious and take more in and feel like my vision can't take it if that makes sense. It can last a few seconds to a few minutes.

Spending a lot of time in front of screens and not sleeping well will definitely be adding to it. Those factors have been another big cause for me too.

dizzy daisy
29-07-16, 19:10
Having a bad time with ees too. They feel extremely strained lately to the point I can feel cross eyed at the end of the day. I use a PC all day and use my phone lots too which won't be good. I feel nausea too at times. Panic about visiting optician due to health anxiety xxxx

help me 21
02-08-16, 01:56
I have this often it's scary u Carnt focus and it feels like your looking cross eyed I run to the Mirrow every time your not alone! I have the same thing ur eyes and lids feel heavy to like someone is weighing them down