View Full Version : Constant panic attacks lately and fear of going away tomorrow

29-07-16, 08:22
Hi guys, I haven't been on in a few months because a lot has happened. I made an update thread on the misc part of the site if you want to check it out.

For the last few weeks, OCD has been quite tame but panic attacks and depression have been through the roof. Every night for the last 4 nights, I've had sleep paralysis and then had a huge panic and then I'm getting panics all throughout the day and my body is physically agony and my mind is worn out :( my chest and upper back have been agony for days and are sore to touch, the same way I go every time I get this bad with panics.

I haven't been this bad with panic attacks since October last year when I went through a breakdown with them and OCD and demanded to be sectioned and got urgent therapy and all that jazz so now I'm worried I'm going back down that road again. I very nearly called NHS 24 earlier this morning when I woke up with sleep paralysis and the panic, just like I did last year.

I fear I'm on the road to a breakdown again as a lot has happened lately and I have a lot coming up to and I don't feel like I have a leg to stand on because I'm not sleeping, I am agony everywhere, feel spacey and detached when I'm not panicking and then even more so when the panic does hit, not eating well and all that jazz.

I'm away tomorrow for 2 days down to Manchester to see a friend. I made the plans months ago and now I wish I could cancel but its too short notice and she paid for my train tickets so I feel overwhelming nerves over that. I guess I'm just looking for tips on how to deal with my anxiety today and try and get it under control so I can sleep tonight before the journey and then tips for the train ride itself. My bf will be with me so at least I won't be alone.

I do feel quite lonely. I've been bottling things up lately which isn't like me, I'm usually an open book. I know I've been here before and even worse than this but like I said, I feel like I have no leg to stand on and nothing to depend on to help lift me out of it.

Ah well. Its good to be back on here and I hope to be posting more regularly from now on :hugs: