View Full Version : A really bad few days.

29-07-16, 11:36
Hi All,

You may have seen some posts from me recently, been lurking around here for the last 3 months.

I am having a really bad few days and I don't know how to get out of it. My anxiety/depression issues have predominantly been based around my health for the duration of this, but I have had my grandmother die, a very close friend be diagnosed with ALS and buying a house all in the space of a couple of months and it caused a mental breakdown to come out of nowhere.

Since then I've been obsessed with my health based around ALS (unsurprisingly) and brain tumours etc, mainly caused by constant headaches, tremors and muscle twitching which the doctors have all put down to anxiety and put me on Sertraline 50mg which helped significantly but the last 3/4 days ive been really really bad. Googling non stop and crying etc.

How do you get out of this cycle? What can I do to get back to where i was a couple of weeks ago when I felt nearly back to myself?

I feel so staggeringly guilty too, my partner is just fantastic and I love her so much and I'm putting so much pressure on her and its just so unfair.

Any words of advice would be so greatly appreciated? I'm not looking for a diagnosis. I know you can't do that and truth be told, i know its anxiety.

I just want to know how other people get out of the rut?


29-07-16, 12:57
I don't have any real Advice as I also have terrible HA aswell as some very real symptoms but I wanted to say you are not alone. You'll find lots of friendly and good advice on here . I understand the guilt feeling too as I also feel I am such a black cloud around my partner at all times st the moment.