View Full Version : A really bad few days.

29-07-16, 11:45
Hi All, Apologies I've put this in the Health Anxiety sub too.

You may have seen some posts from me recently, been lurking around here for the last 3 months.

I am having a really bad few days and I don't know how to get out of it. My anxiety/depression issues have predominantly been based around my health for the duration of this, but I have had my grandmother die, a very close friend be diagnosed with ALS and buying a house all in the space of a couple of months and it caused a mental breakdown to come out of nowhere.

Since then I've been obsessed with my health based around ALS (unsurprisingly) and brain tumours etc, mainly caused by constant headaches, tremors and muscle twitching which the doctors have all put down to anxiety and put me on Sertraline 50mg which helped significantly but the last 3/4 days ive been really really bad. Googling non stop and crying etc.

How do you get out of this cycle? What can I do to get back to where i was a couple of weeks ago when I felt nearly back to myself?

I feel so staggeringly guilty too, my partner is just fantastic and I love her so much and I'm putting so much pressure on her and its just so unfair.

Any words of advice would be so greatly appreciated? I'm not looking for a diagnosis. I know you can't do that and truth be told, i know its anxiety.

I just want to know how other people get out of the rut?


29-07-16, 11:57
I've been pretty bad the last few days too. I'll make a deal; I'll tell you my story and then go in to how we can get out of this mess.

I was in the shower and I could feel my heart flutter a couple times, like missing beats/heart palpitations? Happened like 5-6 times in a minute and then it stopped. It got me super shaky for the rest of the night and I felt really weak after, and have felt weak since. This was maybe 3 days ago and now I have constant diarrhea and now A HEADACHE which my very anxious brain keeps yelling "TUMOUR, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AND IT'S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE."

Now I know in the front of my mind it's just anxiety stemming from that initial episode in the shower so I'm personally going to try to ride it out. I have extremely bad health anxiety so it will be tough until this headache goes away at the very least. Oh not to mention it's the hottest weather it's ever been here and that just doubles my anxiety.

Just stay calm. There's plenty of people EXACTLY like you going through the exact same thing. We're all here for each other.

29-07-16, 12:04
Hey there,

Just wanted to say that a) you are not alone and b) you will get back to yourself soon. You sound like you have a really great logical handle on your issues, and are aware of your triggers - and it sounds like you have had a lot going on, so perhaps it's not all that surprising that your anxiety has latched onto you!

The first thing to do is to stop googling symptoms and looking for reassurance. You know this is what you have to do. It is just a question of putting up with the anxious feelings when you're not googling. I would suggest limiting the time you spend on the Internet at first - so go from spending all day to spending half the day, or having 'Internet-free hours'. It will be hard but this is the way forward, and after a few days you will find your anxiety naturally receding.

What else are you doing to look after yourself? Hot baths, talking to your partner, relaxing in front of Netflix? It's important to stay distracted and be kind to yourself and try to find things you naturally enjoy (or would enjoy in your non-anxious state!).

Anxiety is an awful thing but it is manageable. Good luck, we're all rooting for you!

29-07-16, 12:40
relaxing in front of Netflix?

NOOOO. (Unless it helps you). This does not help me personally. Watching TV or doing something that isn't interactive makes my mind wander where I don't want my mind wandering. I choose a video game to play for a bit before I go to bed to get my mind off the anxiety.

Watching TV may help you though!

29-07-16, 13:52
I've been pretty bad the last few days too. I'll make a deal; I'll tell you my story and then go in to how we can get out of this mess.

I was in the shower and I could feel my heart flutter a couple times, like missing beats/heart palpitations? Happened like 5-6 times in a minute and then it stopped. It got me super shaky for the rest of the night and I felt really weak after, and have felt weak since. This was maybe 3 days ago and now I have constant diarrhea and now A HEADACHE which my very anxious brain keeps yelling "TUMOUR, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AND IT'S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE."

Now I know in the front of my mind it's just anxiety stemming from that initial episode in the shower so I'm personally going to try to ride it out. I have extremely bad health anxiety so it will be tough until this headache goes away at the very least. Oh not to mention it's the hottest weather it's ever been here and that just doubles my anxiety.

Just stay calm. There's plenty of people EXACTLY like you going through the exact same thing. We're all here for each other.

Thank, I really appreciate it.

I know its Anxiety as it goes away when I'm focused on other things. I had a break at the coast at the weekend and I felt great.

Came back to work and I feel like shit.

29-07-16, 17:29
Thank, I really appreciate it.

I know its Anxiety as it goes away when I'm focused on other things. I had a break at the coast at the weekend and I felt great.

Came back to work and I feel like shit.


On a side note I fell asleep (after being so anxious about falling asleep) and woke up 4 hours later with the feeling of hot ears and a sweaty back with the same symptoms and immediately the same feeling. I think I personally have a bit of the bug WHICH IS NOT HELPING!! :p

I hope you start to feel better soon! Keep me updated, dude.

29-07-16, 17:55
Ha! You know, you're so right about video games being better than Netflix. I need something more than just a TV programme to watch, often end up playing games on my phone at the same time!

30-07-16, 04:02
Ha! You know, you're so right about video games being better than Netflix. I need something more than just a TV programme to watch, often end up playing games on my phone at the same time!

Those brain games are good. The ones that make you have to focus.

Eugh on a side note I've lost my appetite now so I'm basically forcing myself to eat cheese and crackers where I can. #anxiety haha

30-07-16, 12:14
Update: I'm getting my energy back a bit, but I still can't seem to get a deep breath (that happened back in January when I had bad anxiety). My excessive sweating seems to have dissipated for now too. So that's nice.

How are you doing Colicab?