View Full Version : wHAT IS "NORMAL"

20-03-07, 19:52
Hello everyone i read alot of posts and in most of them we seem to want to be "normal" what is normal? In my case it,s wanting my life back. i.e. nothing and i mean nothing bothered me, yet now this "thing" rears it,s ugly head and spoils things. what is normal to you?:wacko:

20-03-07, 19:56
idk NOT WORRYING!! I mean if you get sick usually you dont really worry that much..but for me i jump to conclusions

20-03-07, 20:14
I have come to the conclusion that 'normal' is a completely overrated state of being! I also think it can be rather boring and soooooooo last year!

I am being flippant, but for me it would be being back out working and not worrying about it. My 'normal' would be not being on medications, not seeing and relying on healthcare professionals and not waking up every day wondering what sort of a day it is going to be for me.


20-03-07, 21:45
If I could bottle 'normal' I'd be rich lol

20-03-07, 22:29
hmmm... what is normal??? ummmm, ummm, i think everyone's "normal" is different.... my normal would be to have the ability to not only choose what i wanted to do but be able to actually do it... if i need toilet roll i need my fella to get it.... if i need to go to the doctors i need someone else to take me.... i'd like to not be scared of everything.... it's like i'm under a constant veil of fear and insecurity (insecurity perhaps? not sure if it is insecurity, suppose it must be slightly as i dont like going out on my own, hmmm, not sure, maybe i'll think about that one, anyway...), i can see the real me under it, the 'normal' me, i just want that bl**dy veil to blow away in the wind.... if you know what i mean??? dont know if that made any sense

21-03-07, 11:18
It made perfect sence to me honeybee, life throws soooo much at us does,nt it, this life is not a trail run ,it,s the really thing,we only get one chance at it so i guess what i,m trying to say is make the best of every day, stay positive, and maybe just maybe, life may be kind to us. thankyou for all your replies, if i were granted three wishes they would be: of course to have my mum &dad here with me , to be anxiety free and peace perfect peace.:cloud9:

21-03-07, 13:26
Honey bee,Rickards:hugs: i couldnot have put it better myself:) A TOTAL UNAWARNESS OF BEING would be fab:yesyes: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-03-07, 20:44

Normal is boring, you are you with all your little quirks and that goes for everyone of us, we are all normal, normal has been defined by our own parameters, our wants and needs. As long as it not illegal or immoral normal is any dam thing you want you want it to be.


21-03-07, 21:19
Here Here Keith! :yesyes:

I feel more 'normal' now than I've ever been :wacko::ninja::emot-giggle::blink:.....free to be me!....

....and it's good to know I'm amongst friends !!! :shades:

lotsa luv :hugs:

GG :emot-dance:


29-05-07, 18:54
I don't think there is such a thing as "normal" in the context of a human being. I know many so called "normal" people and they are just as messed up and confused as I am they just don't stress about it. These "normal" people all have their quirks/issues/problems just as I have mine.

29-05-07, 19:46
Being normal for me is going from day to day without a stomach ache and not panicking about what I eat or drink, without using meds.

I sometimes have good days like that now without meds :)

30-05-07, 08:06
i think that what most people mean when they say 'normal' in the context of this site, is the ability to deal with anxiety in the way that people who can do things alone do. normal means living with anxiety the way people who have jobs and go abroard for holiday or go skydiving or go on courses etc without feeling they are going to fall apart or die or go mad or completely lose control!? have any of you guys been to the no panic site? if you do you can get a 12 week recovery programme that can help you to get back to 'normal'.

ive upset someone once on here by mentioning the word 'normal', in the context of people there is no such thing as 'normal' we are all individuals and we are all unique personalities, but we are specifically talking about all the people we know who can go out of their houses, drive alone, travel alone, take public transport, stay home alone, take on new challenges (the list obviously goes on and on)and generally live their lives with all the ups and downs that is living.

this is what 'normal' means to me. im not interested in individual personalities because of course 'normal' people can be screwed up in their own ways - thats because they are human! we are all made up of good and bad, nobody is perfect!

i will never let go of the desire to be 'normal'- its the reason i get up in the morning and the reason why i dont dread the next day even if i feel like s*** you have to keep fighting to be the person you used to be, otherwise youve just given in to anxiety/panic.
