View Full Version : ecg worries

29-07-16, 12:56
i was admitted to hospital last week and whilst there i had a ecg that came back with t wave inversions
i freaked nobody told me why they did a blood test was ok
i saw my gp today who told me i always have it?!
but he not concerned i googled what it could mean and none of it is reasuring!
anyone had this?
iv also been referred to hematology for a possible blood clotting problem
and it looks like i have an ulcer :'( cant cope

29-07-16, 19:14
Right lets take this one thing at a time.

If you had a dangerous heartbeat problem they would not let you out of hospital - end of. So you have an abnormality in your ecg, there are loads of harmless abnormalities. I have super ventricular tachycardia attacks, they are horrible and scary but they won't harm me.

You might have a blood clotting problem but then again you might not. Even if you do they can treat this.

You might have an ulcer ( assume you mean a stomach ulcer) again this is easily treated.

You have not been told you have a life threatening disease, everything is treatable if in the end it turns out to be what they think.

See how less frightening it is written like this.

29-07-16, 23:08
thank you for your reply I too suffer svt it is awful my anxiety is just out of control the t wave I googled like an idiot and it seems to mean alot of bad things the ulcer I think iv had a while but they kept saying I was imaging the pain im worrying about it bleeding or perforating and clots are one my biggest fears when I read what you wrote it did sound less scary just wish I could calm my head