View Full Version : Escitalopram for Health Anxiety

29-07-16, 19:18
Hi. I am feeling very lost in this world of anxiety.

I have had mild Health Anxiety for a number of years, pretty much since my dad died of cancer and then I started working in a hospital.

However over these last three months (tied into a new diagnosis of asthma and associated disbelief over the diagnosis) it has got steadily worse. I got to the point of seeking out a second opinion for my asthma, they ordered a chest x-ray and I spent the week waiting for the results in tears. It came back clear and then I became anxious about my sore throat and thought it must be something there instead. I did however recognise that crying all the time over something you probably don't have is not a rational use of time, and even if I did have it, it would still not be a rational use of time.

However my concern now is, because I was clearly not coping and bursting into tears with an overwhelming sense of fear I have been prescribed Escitalopram. I don't know whether so early into anxiety this is the right thing for me but I don't want to not take it and then in 6 months time be even more overwhelmed.

My partner just wants me to feel better and sees these tablets as the quickest way to get there. I am not too sure.

30-07-16, 08:16
I have never suffered with health anxiety; with me it is fear of panic attacks. I took Escitalopram for three years and it didn't work at all and my GP got me hooked on benzos but it's been a good drug for other people I know who take it. Not many do work for me, in fact only Citalopram ever has xxx
It is only natural to be scared over cancer, it freaks me out too but I really do not ever think of dying with physical illnesses. But hope the Escit works and clams you downxxx

12-08-16, 08:45
Opted for CBT and a second more rational conversation with GP to get bloods checked before starting any medication. Think this is most likely more reassurance seeking but feels the right way to do things.