View Full Version : Sleep anxiety

29-07-16, 20:39
I been sleeping like 6am till 11am then nap again in afternoon or hour or 2 after waking up but due to hot weather and people being noisy I been waking up every hour or so for weeks

I slowly become more and more depressed and lazy so Wednesday night I went to bed at 3am and decided I go to bed earlier and try and sleep and I did I woke up at 7am though and felt like I hadn't slept and felt like shit so I ended up having nap at 2-6 in afternoon and whole evening I couldn't keep eyes open so much so it caused anxiety and depression

I ended up going bed at 12 yesterday but i woke up every hour and woke up at 5am awake but eyes felt heavy because I woke up every hour and because I was only 5am and not 8 or 9am I had butterflies bad anxiety and depression

I ended up having hour nap at 12 till 1 but I had a stupid 2 hour nap at 3 till 5 and now I'm sat here depressed and hopeless and panicky and depressed wondering will I ever have normal sleep or sleep pattern and will I ever not feel tired?

I dunno if anxiety is making my tiredness feel worse or not but it's making me not wanna eat and I can't help but nap

Sure I can be positive and say now I sleep at nights instead of days but I still need to sleep a full night without waking up and without naps

I dunno how long I can cope like this

30-07-16, 02:26
I'm sorry that you're struggling so much with this.
I have had sleep problems for a long time, so I understand how much of an impact it has on your life and wellbeing when you're not sleeping well.

When you wake up after an hour, does something in particular wake you up?
I'm just wondering if it's noise, discomfort or needing a pee etc.

I have to say that for me, i've found using earplugs has helped improve my sleep.
I also have a small fan on my bedside table for when I get too hot.
Finally if i'm sleeping during the day, an eye mask and a good black-out blind are essential.

Have you talked to a doctor about this?
Sleeping tablets aren't really a long term solution but there are certain meds (particularly older anti-depressants) that have a sedating effect, so it might be worth talking to a doctor about whether or not that might be suitable.

Again, i'm really sorry you're going through this and I hope that the situation improves for you.

30-07-16, 09:42
I'm not sure why I wake up I do kinda understand the issue my sleep pattern was 6am as a bed time and I would wake up mid day forced to wake then nap later on this caused me to get sleepy and sad because of my sleep pattern but nothing too bad

But the other night I decided to go to bed 3am and try and fix it instead I woke up 7am and ended up napping at the afternoon for 3 hours because of how it made my anxiety

So that night I went to bed at 12 and woke up at 5 and had another 3 hour nap because I was that tired

So last night I felt depressed because of my sleep pattern and during this whole circumstances I have been anxious and worrying over my sleep

I decided to stay up till gone 12 and I did it easy I wasn't tired and was having a laugh and by 1.30 I decided to go to sleep even though I wasn't tired and I woke up at 5.30am it is now9.30am and I'm very tired an dunno how I can last the day without a nap

It's causing bad anxiety and anxiety is causing more tiredness

I wake up because my sleep pattern is messed up and I'm trying to change it and because it's messed up I'm not getting enough quality sleep making the days harder to stay awake making me rely on naps and I guess the only way to sort this is to stay awake now till night time then go to bed and hope I can sleep all night?

The problem is I'm so tired and my anxiety isn't helping it's hard to not go to bed and hide from it? According to my countdown timer on my phone I have another 12 hours to stay awake if I felt this bad at 1 or 2 in the afternoon I think I could manage knowing evening is near but I'm feeling this bad at a time I would like to wake up at which is hard to cope with emotionally

01-08-16, 18:46
I've managed to keep the same routine and sadly waking up at 5am after only 4 hours sleep but today I also have gone without any naps and that its self is a achievement considering I been tired enough to sleep since 9am

It's currently 6.44pm and I have heavy eyes and past the tired stage at the moment but I do have anxiety and anxiety moments which is upsetting

But I also get butterflies and anxious when I close my eyes because I feel like I won't go to sleep now I been awake so long the idea of trying to sleep causes anxiety now I think 9pm or 10pm would be a good sleep time but the thought of sleep now creates anxiety