View Full Version : Back pain/Sciatica?

29-07-16, 22:18
Hey guys.. Just wondered if I could get some helpful advise and re-assurance.. For the past 2 days my lower left side of my back has been really painful, the pain also hurts in my butt cheek and leg a little, more my back tho... I'm abroad on holiday at the moment so I rang my mum and she said it sounds like sciatica (something she's had) and I just wondered how I can relieve the pain and when will pain die off? Also I'm now starting to get little aches in my right side now, I'm guessing it's due to the fact I'm putting more pressure on my other leg because of the pain in my left leg/back. It wasn't so bad yesterday as I was walking around all day and in and out of the pool but today has been worse as I've been sat down or laying down a lot (not moving a lot) so now it hurts to sit, stand, lay down and walk (a little, but walking does relieve some pain and discomfort) you can imagine my brain working overtime and I just don't want to worry and it to ruin my first holiday abroad alone with my partner

Any help I'd be greatful for highly!


29-07-16, 22:38
I had this like last week or something,worst sciatic pain I've ever had! I normally take 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol which normally relieves the pain for quite a while and just try stretch my leg out a little bit. I know it's an awful pain but it will go away!

29-07-16, 22:43
I had this twice last year (or the year before). It was awful and I had an urge to stretch my leg all the time, it was also right down to my heel. It lasted a couple of weeks and then went. I was told at the walk in centre it would have been sciatica but my GP told me it wouldn't have. So no idea if it was actually sciatica but either way it did go on its own.

29-07-16, 23:57
I've had this very bad over the past few years. Unable to move sometimes with it. Take whatever pain killers you can get there. And doing a few gentle exercises helped me an awful lot. Do a quick google search for sciatica exercises and try a few simple ones, but don't overdo it!!

30-07-16, 01:27
Ouch! As someone who had a severe bout of sciatica last year, I feel your pain! I found the only thing that helped me was walking. Even though I really didn't feel like going anywhere, the further the walk, the more the pain was relieved, though it did usually return by morning. Pain killers took the edge off but only walking really helped. Do give it a try and see how you get on. Rest might seem instinctively the best thing to do but it doesn't really help overall.

30-07-16, 07:58
Thank you for all these replies! They put my mind at ease slightly which I'm really great full for :) I've woken up thismorning and it's not so agonizing which I suppose is good however it feels more achy now rather than shooting pains.. I'm finding it easier to get up from laying and easier to sit

30-07-16, 11:02
Glad you're feeling better this morning, but do have some pain killers close by. You never know when this thing will strike!!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday :yesyes: