View Full Version : Photo stress!

30-07-16, 08:36
I might be featured on my uni's website as a student profile, I was interviewed about being a student etc. Pretty cool, it feels reassuring to be apart of something. Although now I'm starting to panic.

They needed a few photos of me. I gave them one but they said it had to be very clear, like a profile picture. So I had to take some selfies on my phone, took me over an hour to get some good ones, clear lighting etc. I hate looking at photo's of myself so now I'm very on edge and to cap it off my emails played up so I just had to email them 3 times to send all the pictures, humiliating! I feel really really silly.

I'm OK with selfies if it's just a quickie to send to a friend or something but it's weird taking photos of yourself and sending them to an office full of strangers who are going to put it on the internet.
And now I'm worried about my face being on the website, what if people make fun of me? what if they decide I look too weird to be on there and take me down?

30-07-16, 17:41
Hi :)

Wouldn't it be easier if they took photos of you and you could decide together what angles and lighting etc. look best for the website and for you? If you're in the whole photo process thing together you can actually tell them which exact one you want and I think it would prevent the risk of sending the pics to an office full of strangers.

But I suppose it's too late to suggest that to them now, unless you want to tell them you don't really feel comfortable with the pictures you took?

Otherwise, don't worry - I'm sure they won't think you look too weird to be on there. If they don't like the pictures you sent them now, they will certainly ask you for others instead of just dropping the idea of putting you on there altogether. Especially if it was them who chose to feature you on the website?

I wouldn't worry about the email thing - the internet playing up a little can happen to just anyone. I am sure they've already forgotten about it. I know things like that can make you feel stupid, but ask yourself: will it matter a week from now, a month from now, or a year from now, that you had to send 3 emails instead of just one? I know it is difficult to think ahead like that, but sometimes it helps to decide if something really matters that much. It does for me, anyway.

Obviously if you have your face on the internet, there may always be people on there who laugh about you. But as it is a university website, I'm pretty sure people won't really even pay that much attention to how you look on the pic. I think what they will pay attention to is what you say about the university because it helps them with their university choice.

I think you can be proud of yourself for having decided to be a part of this. It is a big step which can be a bit frightening and not everyone would have the courage to do it. By doing it you help the university and its potential and future students. Well done! :)

30-07-16, 20:55
Well the pictures I took shouldn't be a technical problem this time but I'm worried that they won't want to use my face I guess. They've not messaged me back so I've been a bit tense.

Thanks, yeah I care a lot less about the email now, and it is certainly something to be positive about I keep forgetting that :)

---------- Post added at 20:55 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

And thanks for taking the time to reply :D

01-08-16, 20:22
All went well in the end! :)

07-08-16, 22:09
Great! Well done :)