View Full Version : On holiday, throwing up and scared I'll faint.

30-07-16, 13:01
So currently in Portugal and yesterday we went to the beach and got quite burnt. Last night we went out in to town and we had quite a few drinks. I've woken up today feeling awful, not able to eat much and just throwing up every now and again. I'm not sure if I'm hungover or a bit of sunstroke maybe. My anxiety is obviously sky high with me thinking that I'm going to end up in hospital and won't make it home. Has anyone experienced this or know what I can do to calm myself down?


30-07-16, 13:13
Sounds like a hangover mixed with the sun which has caused you to be a little poorly today.
It'll pass in a few hours or by tomorrow, keep drinking bottled water and try those dioralyte rehydration sachets you can get in chemists (they have them in spain so should have similar in portugal) . Stay out of the sun today or at least wear a hat and sit in the shade.
You wont need to go to hospital, just take it an hour at a time and get some fluid and rest x