View Full Version : Pinched nerve or something worse

30-07-16, 17:24
Hey guys.

For the past week now I have had a weird sensation in my neck/ base of skull.

When I turn my head left or right, my neck feels tight on the right side of my neck. Also, it feels like the right side of my neck (at the base of the skull) is heavy, pressured, and occasionally 'hot' and tingly. I almost feels numb, but isn't, and that numb/hot/tingly feeling sometimes spreads to my right ear and jaw. There is no pain at all, apart from the occasional sharp prick that occurs at the base or top of my skull, but mainly just the weird sensations mentioned before.

I am trying to tell myself it is a muscle issue, and not something sinister. I have felt unsteady when moving sometimes, but I am unsure if this is connected to my neck, or just my anxiety.

The main thing about it concerning me is the 'fullness' feeling on the right side of my neck at the base of my skull. I can't feel any lumps or swelling, although it feels like it is bigger.

Any replies would be appreciated - thanks!

30-07-16, 19:37
Personally, I wouldn't say it is anything sinister. I would assume it is a pinched nerve or a muscle thing. Obviously though, I think you should better have it checked with your GP. That's what I did - I'm recently having similar symptoms. I've been getting physiotherapy this past week and it has gotten a lot better. Actually I would have it checked ASAP so you can stop worrying about it being something really serious. And if it were I think you'd rather know sooner than later, no? If it worries you too much I would go to A&E just to make sure. Good luck!!