View Full Version : Holiday stress - ashamed

30-07-16, 17:25
After a few really stressful months, I am now finally off work for a week. I am super excited to get away, spend some time with my friend, soak up some sun...

Just that today, I felt a little overwhelmed trying to pack my suitcase. I'd made a list of things to take and yet, somehow I didn't manage to get started and then I got a panic attack and felt like I can't do it. My mum had to help me and now I feel like a loser failing miserably at everything :(

Also, I have a feeling like my expectations may be too high and I'm scared I won't be able to actually enjoy the holidays and live in the moment. It won't be anything stressful as we'll mostly be at the beach I guess. Super luxury comfy hotel too. It's going to be a pure wellness holiday. But knowing myself, I will want to wait for that "perfect moment" to actually... manage to let go.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can push all those thoughts and fears and stress aside and actually just make the most of my holiday?

Thanks in advance to all you lovely people. :bighug1: