View Full Version : Wish this panic and anxiety will go away

Dan Wales
30-07-16, 17:55
I am really anxious and panicky, I am going though the PIP application and I am scarred about asking my GP for a supporting letter. Everything is getting to me, my panic is through the roof I am driving my family up the wall cause I keep asking for reassurance from them. Is there anything I can do to calm down and to stop feeling so scared. Thank you all.

30-07-16, 19:19
first of all stop asking for reassurance it feeds the anxiety makes it go for half hour then come back 10 times harder

secondly use avoidance techniques theres times when ive believed im going to faint "you never do" very real at the time....so I just start singing like an idiot and so far ive never fainted if you sit there going shit im fainting im fainting **** im fainting other symptoms will come and make you feel worse

hope that's helped