View Full Version : Worried about lymphoma

30-07-16, 23:22
Okay, so I was diagnosed with strep throat in late December 2015, I took my antibiotics course and missed a dose or two and then I felt fine afterwards. I went back to the doctors for a check up and I still had strep. They had given me the antibiotics and (stupidly) I stopped taking them after I had felt better. Now I don't know why but I always have this thought in the back of my head that I have lymphoma. I have many swollen lymph nodes. For example in my throat, my cheeks and my traps. I also have two swollen tonsils yet my right is a little bigger than the left tonsil. After my doctors saw that I was positive for strep on my check up, they sent in a throat culture and it said there was a small strep colony. I know the answers are right here but I still have swollen nodes and tonsils after my antibiotics. It also doesn't help that I am a hypchondriac.