View Full Version : Has any one started at a really low dose?

31-07-16, 09:12
I am really terrible starting up SSRI's and get really bad panic attacks. Have been on Escitalopram for three years and Lorazepam but the Escitalopram worked so great I never got off the Ativan (Ie.IT DID NOT WORK!) but my doctor just kept me on it making me more tolerant to the benzo's so now I am terrified to start my Citalopram which is the only AD that has ever made me well again.
I normally start at 10mg but it makes me high as a kite, with flushing, headaches, low mood, horrendous panic attacks. I wondered if I did it very gradually it would help or just prolong the start up? My GP wants to me to start at 5mg and go up every fortnight.

31-07-16, 11:54
Cut the 5mg pill in half for a few days and see how you feel. If you feel ok then start the full 5mg. I have read on here that some people start with a quarter of the pill and work their way up. Its hard to tell you what to do because everyone reacts differently and it may or may not prolong your recovery going at a slower pace.

Good luck!! You can do it! Keep us updated on how your feeling :hugs::hugs:

02-08-16, 18:19
Yes, take it slowly! I had terrible side effects recently due to too many dosage changes in a short space of time and that was just a change of 5mg at a time. My dr said 'oh you can't get side effects with that small a change'. All I can say to that is she hasn't a clue cos I felt every single one listed and more. The charity Mind have good advice on their website about going up doses and tapering. Funnily enough they say it should be 10% of your dose to taper down so it should have been 2mg, my doctor had me doing 20mg at one point!

08-08-16, 21:51
Just a little insight into my experience.

I was on Cit several years ago and did a long tapered withdrawal. Back in April started on them again and cutting 10mg in half so 5mg at a time.

I think most GP's just prescribe and don't know the real effects SSRI's can have. On the 5 took me around 4 -5 weeks to settle fully and the interim period was full of side effects and some real dark panic and anxiety attacks.

Recently got sick of crap pill cutters and wondered if maybe a smaller dose followed by a bigger dose was preventing stability (despite being relatively in charge again). Decided to up the dose to the full 10mg tablet to get a steady measured dose. Currently on day 14 and starting to see some periods of confidence return but even a jump like that brought the anxiety and panic back big time from around day 4 onwards.

I'm a fan of starting small and working your way up to a dose that works for you, just be careful and despite what the doctor says, be aware that even small doses can feel like youve gone back ten paces. Take your time, expect heightened anxiety etc but be safe in the knowledge that coming out the other side will feel a whole lot better :)