View Full Version : Lower back pain, now strain in neck/shoulder area giving serious HA :(

31-07-16, 10:01
Hi All, i hate to have turned into "that person" who develops something new everyday and writes a wall of text about it, but in this case it's actually happening, and equally worrying. :(

so not too long ago, about a week now i noticed some harsh lower back pain while in bed for a few minutes which dissipated. this wasn't the problem as i have felt this sort of pain before, but it was never constant. throughout the week i noticed that the pain never fully went away, and gradually other problems started to pile up over the current problem. one night during the week i noticed a sharp stabbing/tingling sensation in my sides, not exactly in my lower back, but close. this sensation is no longer as intense as it previously has been, but it can be noticeable at times.
a little later on i noticed that my sides had become sore, essentially the same feeling you get after a work out, except i haven't worked out. this hasnt changed much since it started.
and of course today something new had to crop up. after about a 5.km walk/jog i noticed a pretty big strain in my left shoulder into neck area that hasn't really let up since.
At first i thought the pain was only isolated to my lower back, but recent pain is starting to make me worry otherwise, and the whole situation is making it pretty difficult to act like everything is alright around family etc.

some things i think could add some more insight to the situation, i'm 19, not particularly overweight. ever since the pain started i have began doing "golf-swing" like twists to my lower back alot more often which results in a crack and some brief relief. i'm not that physically active and have spent the majority of the summer doing things while sitting. the pain more or less goes away completely when lying down on my back for a while.

The whole situation has been pretty draining as of course because of my ongoing anxiety issues i can only fear the worst case scenario. has anyone else ever had progressive lower back pain and possibly pain in other parts of the back aswell during that? also if this was anything sinister would the pain I've been feeling have been able to move from one place in my back to another so quickly? or as i've been feeling back pain for ages now that goes away on its own, if it was anything serious would it have shown itself more prominently earlier than now? really any help/advice on the matter would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!

31-07-16, 12:35

I can relate to you in some ways regarding back problems I have been suffering with chronic back problems for the last 10 years slip discs - sciatica and so on now its got to the stage where I live everyday in constant pain I know the pain is there but I'm so use to it that I don't really pay it any attention. Remember the back is very complex with many nerves and moving parts you can have the pain in one area and have the pain radiate to other parts of the back. I sometimes get upper aches and it feels like I'm having a heart attack because the pain radiates to the front as for my constant lower back pain I have to constantly crack it 6-7 times a day and when I say crack I mean wood snapping sound kind of crack I have easily slipped a disc from just sneezing that's how bad its become. As for the sore left shoulder and neck ache after running I use to get that when I was able to run the more I ran the more intense the pain got and that was down to poor posture while running. So for you I can honestly say it doesn't sound sinister at all however with your age you are still young I would definitely have it looked at preferably by a private chiropractor or a physio to prevent long term or even permanent problems you can go to the doctors but I was just pumped full of pain killers and was told it was mere muscle sprains.

All the best.

31-07-16, 18:10

I can relate to you in some ways regarding back problems I have been suffering with chronic back problems for the last 10 years slip discs - sciatica and so on now its got to the stage where I live everyday in constant pain I know the pain is there but I'm so use to it that I don't really pay it any attention. Remember the back is very complex with many nerves and moving parts you can have the pain in one area and have the pain radiate to other parts of the back. I sometimes get upper aches and it feels like I'm having a heart attack because the pain radiates to the front as for my constant lower back pain I have to constantly crack it 6-7 times a day and when I say crack I mean wood snapping sound kind of crack I have easily slipped a disc from just sneezing that's how bad its become. As for the sore left shoulder and neck ache after running I use to get that when I was able to run the more I ran the more intense the pain got and that was down to poor posture while running. So for you I can honestly say it doesn't sound sinister at all however with your age you are still young I would definitely have it looked at preferably by a private chiropractor or a physio to prevent long term or even permanent problems you can go to the doctors but I was just pumped full of pain killers and was told it was mere muscle sprains.

All the best.

hey Saf, thanks so much for replying again, i think we spoke on another thread i made a while ago when i was also in a bad place. it really helps to know that this pain isn't so alien, i haven't found a single other source or anyone who is experiencing similar problems, so speaking to you is really helpfull and reassuring. yeah i already went too see a doctor who booked a blood test and X-ray, so after that ill look into a physio. there's just one thing i didn't mention though, do you ever get pains in your sides, like the feeling you get after a work out? its only in my lower back area on my sides and i'm not sure if that's related to constantly golf swing cracking my back or not.. :( thanks so much for taking the time to talk :)

31-07-16, 18:35
Hey its no problem im only here to pass whatever experience I am going through or went through and it really touches a nerve (no pun intended) when I see others with similar issues as me especially back issues because I know its not fun at all. I'm glad you are taking the necessary steps to get it sorted and xray is a perfect start now as for the aching sides that is also part of the parcel because nerves go outwards from the spinal column so if you have a spine issue or a nerve issue it could very well radiate to the sides I'm constantly pressing my sides because it twinges so much I can't even sit still I'm always moving about to alleviate the pressure. The problem with cracking the spine or neck is that you may be getting snap crackle and pops from other parts of the spine or neck and totally missing the root cause of the pain so if you can try not to do it often and let the physio have a good going over. Any problems my friend just message me.

All the best and good luck.

31-07-16, 21:52
Hey again, thanks so much for the support, you've really helped me come a long ways from the dump i was in earlier :)