View Full Version : morning anxiety

31-07-16, 11:01
Sorry I,m back so soon. I,ve just posted on a thread in medication forum,re.morning anxiety. It was suggested that high cortisol levels could be a cause of this. Does anyone know the science. Can it ramp up yje feelingsof nausea, agitation ,tension? Can cortisol be reduced by behaviour or thinking.?
Can what you do the night before affect the morning. I,m usually slightly more relaxed in the evening so I wonder why it doesn't carry on a little in the morning. It's like everything goes back in time 24 hrs.

I find it difficult to do anything at all before evening, I,d really like to reduce cortisol if possible, so I can chip away at the tension etc earlier and break the cycle.

I gather many anxiety suffers get this, we seem to plan things in the evening to do the next day, then because the morning anxiety hits, it all goes to pot. I,ve never had it as bad as in this current bout. There were some really helpful replies on the thread.

01-08-16, 01:14
Just wondering when do you take your medication?

01-08-16, 01:19
I am exactly the same way . I have read it's pretty common , what time you may take your medication could be affected probably till I guess .