View Full Version : counselling - what to expect

09-10-04, 11:54
Igo for my first counselling on tuesday and i am scared to death and was wondering if anyone can help me by letting me know what to expect. i am dreading being in a room on a 1 to 1 basis with someone i find talking about my feelings to a complete stranger is going to be one of the hardest things i can do i have been suffering anxiety attacks and ppanick attacks for years and i have had a really bad life and dont know if i can sit and discuss it with anyone i dont know. Will it be a really bad panic situation or will it be me listening to someone else tell me the instruction book i seem to be missing about how to handle all the anxiety in my life? Im worried about being stuck in a room having a mega panic attack for a hr is it going to be that bad? I have dreaded this situation of counselling for years and i have had enough of my quality of life being so disrupted for so long now i am determined to deal with the problems head on and get to the bottom of them whatever it takes me to have to do as it cant be any worse. Any advice greatfully recieved


09-10-04, 14:00
hello Emma,

You have no reason to be scared of counselling!! I have been seeing a counsellor for quite a few months now and, although I was nervous at first, I feel very comfortsble with her now. It's a great feeling to be able to share your experiences with someone who understands and can help. Also, when you actually talk about your troubles outloud, it somehow seems a lot clearer and more approachable. Just relax and remember that the counsellor is there to help you!! Tell us how it goes, ok?

Sarah :D

09-10-04, 14:04
Hey emma,

I know how you feel, i dread 1 to1 appts, but honestly once you are there it will be fine. Your counsellor knows why you are there, and if it feels uncomfortable and you want to leave then you can. You might be surprised how much easier it will be once you are there. Think of the bigger picture, you need to do this! This is a big step, so good luck!!

tracy x x

09-10-04, 15:30
Hi Emma

I have just recently had 8 seesions with a counsellor and felt very anxious before going the 1st time like you but I can honestly say it has really helped me. They are there for you - don't worry about having a panic attack whilst there as the counsellor will understand that you are feeling anxious, and you only have to tell them what you want too..I found it was nothing like I expected it to be and gave me a lot of food for thought.

Hope this helps, let us know how u got on.

Take care


09-10-04, 17:26
I think it is only natural to worry before trying anything new.

However, I would agree with the others, try not to get too worked up because it will be fine.

I have been having councelling for several months now and have found it very helpful and dont worry about it at all now. You will find that they totally understand so even if you do have a panic attack it wont matter.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


09-10-04, 18:12
Hi Emma

A counsellor will have loads of experience and will understand exactly what you are going through so if you need a break then tell them!

What kind of counselling are you going for - CBT?


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

09-10-04, 18:32
You will be fine once you are there.

They understand that you are there cos you are anxious and they will help you to relax.

Talking about it really helps and you can tell them anything you want - it is all confidential.

I did 9 months of counselling many years ago and it really helped.

They may push you into doing things but there is a reason for it so try to work with them - i.e. they made me go on a bus before the next session etc.

Hope it works out for you - it will do you the world of good.


10-10-04, 20:57
I've seen a few councellors. I find they listen a lot and let you tell them things in your own time. It helped me to understand myself and the way I think.
Good Luck for Tuesday :)

10-10-04, 21:02
Just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow Emma. I bet you'll find its the best thing you ever did!


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

10-10-04, 21:30
thanks so much for the advice i am seeing the college counsellor that i am not sure what to expect i am having reflexology this week and acupuncture in my ears. I am also trying to find out about having hypnotherapy I am so determined to egt to the bottom of my problems i cant handle them anymore no matter what it takes i am determined to go through what ever panick attacks beforehand to get the results i want. Thanks all for your kind words i will let you all know how i got on with the different therapys and counselling as the week goes on, great to have some support out there

11-10-04, 19:15

So pleased that you are determined to get over this. That is a great attitude to have and you will do well if you keep that up.

Good luck with the treatments and let us know along the way won't you?


11-10-04, 19:48
I have been for some counselling and therapy today. I thought everyone would be interested in finding out about how i got on with the various treatments. I went to a place like the YMCA this afternoon for ear acupuncture firstly I had 6 needles placed in each ear and lay on a bed relaxing for 40 mins afterwards. I immediately felt relaxed when they had been placed in my ears and I even found myself dropping off sleep! something I dont do anywhere even at night i have been having problems with sleeping as I have just had my bf finish with me after a yr long relationship and it has been strange with no one there for me. I am going again this wednesday for more acupunture and counselling as i have had some drug problems where i have been turning to amphetamines and ecstacy as a way around my problems so that i can escape. It was brilliant. The next trip was to MIND for reflexology. I had a chat with a counsellor before i went in and sat telling her about my problems and what i was trying to do and got told that i was thinking positively and in the right way that cheered me up as i am waiting for 3 mths for therapy with MIND as there is a waiting list. I have visited my doctor this am and they are trying to get a letter sent to MIND to try and egt things moving quicker for me which would be good. I had reflexology which is where you lie back in a chair like a deck chair and have your feet massaged each part of your foot is related to a part of your body and ur emotions i found it relaxing and covered in goosepimples as i felt myself relaxing it was great i didnt want to move. Through the therapy the lady spoke to me asking me about my panic attacks and it was great to feel relaxed and talk about what i am most scared of at the same time. I have had an excellent day today and was so chuffed that i have managed to get some help and tonight i have noticed the difference in my mood and how relaxed i am feeling i have took time out to play with my son which i never usually feel like doing other than the usual being a mum. I hope that everyone has a chance to be able to get to these therapies and have a go the acupunture didnt hurt at all i didnt even feel the needles going in and it was well worth the results. I start my counselling with the college therapist tomorrow i will let you know how i get on hopefully this is the start of finding a solution to my problems. Fingers crossed

11-10-04, 20:29
Wow what a great sounding day! I have always wanted to try acupuncture but found the cost prohibitive - did you find somewhere cheap?


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

12-10-04, 16:14
i was lucky i have my locaal YMCA they do relaxation therapy for free and MIND do things for free i tried to find out about hypnotherapy but its £40 ph wow ! maybe you can find somewhere like the YMCA in your area? the people there ate dead friendly i have been back down there today theres always someone there for a chat or counselling i am really lucky. I tried my first counselling session today and it wasnt as heavey as i thought i am going again next week we had a general chat about what things i want to do in my sessions and im trying some hypnotherapy next week which should be quite good good luck with finding somewhere for acupuncture it really doesnt hurt you dont feel it and the effects u get are amazing you feel so relaxed for the rest of the day and i have found that it really helps.
