View Full Version : Absolutely terrified - keep having 'funny turns'

31-07-16, 17:16
It all started when I was at a spiritualist centre I go to during the day and I was meditating with a group.
I was getting into it, had my eyes shut and was trying to get grounded when I had a surge of warmth/adrenaline rush through me, my heart was racing and I turned to have a sip of water. I then realised I had to get out of the room so I walked out quietly and gathered my things and headed down the stairs to the outside, I felt I needed air. My legs were shaking, my hands were trembling, I felt awful. I put it down to the heat in the room, the meditating state and just feeling a bit panicked.
I went away with my family a week later, I was fine on this holiday, went for a huge hill climb over the clifftops and did lots of sightseeing + activities everyday.
The only thing I did notice was a slight fluttering and occasional thump of my heart, which did disconcert me but only seemed to happen after I had eaten so I put it down to that.

Fast forward to the Friday just gone, I was sitting watching the TV quietly, having shortly eaten my breakfast...I suddenly had the feeling sweep over me again, adrenaline rushing from my head to my chest and to my feet. My head tingling, I had to get out into the air again so went straight to the front door and stood there for a few minutes calming myself down. Again my heart rate was high, my hands were shaking and my legs like jelly.
Needless to say at this point I'm terrified. All alone in the house. I just put my shoes on and went for a walk as I didn't want to be in my own at home.

Now today (Sunday) I was driving with my partner in the passenger seat and suddenly the feeling came over me again. Obviously because I was driving I panicked and luckily there was a road to pull into nearby, which I did.
I calmed myself down for a few minutes before driving off again. I rang my mum when I got home, frightened to death and while on the phone it happened again, my heart was racing and it took a few minutes to feel back to normal again. Since then, I have been feeling exhausted, I can barely keep my eyes open and I'm so anxious to the point of internal trembling.
I have been crying all afternoon and feel a huge sense of impending doom. I know something is wrong, I'm terrified of going to the doctors as I don't know what they're going to say. I'm now shivering, my hands and feet are freezing and my face feels hot.
My partner is going to work tomorrow and as it's the summer holidays and I work in a school I'm not working for 5 weeks. I'm terrified of being by myself in case it happens again.

The part, I don't understand is that I was away for 10-12 days and it didn't once happen in that time.

Also, just to say, this never happens on exertion or walking, only at rest and so far when I've been sitting up or standing, not lying down.

My usual resting BPM is 70-80
My blood pressure is normal/slightly above normal but nothing more than that, except when I'm very anxious.

Please if anyone can offer any advice or reassurance I would be most grateful.

31-07-16, 17:50
Could you be forgetting to breathe? That can happen a lot with us anxiety sufferers. We hold our breath without realising it ?

31-07-16, 18:03
Could you be forgetting to breathe? That can happen a lot with us anxiety sufferers. We hold our breath without realising it ?

Maybe...its just weird there appears no pattern to it, except that I've eaten shortly before.
I do have problems with air hunger and my anxiety so it's possible. I'm so terrified as you can imagine!
Thinking epilepsy/brain tumour/heart problems/stroke/cancer/thyroid malfunction...the list goes on.

31-07-16, 18:55
When you were on holiday maybe you were so distracted by other things you just carried on as normal and breathed normally.
You say you experienced it in a spiritual setting first of all - potentially I see this as a breathing issue. You may have been concentrating so hard without realising and holding your breath. Then it's caught you out again when you've been tense.
Next time this happens try some calming breathing techniques ?

31-07-16, 21:10
When you were on holiday maybe you were so distracted by other things you just carried on as normal and breathed normally.
You say you experienced it in a spiritual setting first of all - potentially I see this as a breathing issue. You may have been concentrating so hard without realising and holding your breath. Then it's caught you out again when you've been tense.
Next time this happens try some calming breathing techniques ?

Perhaps, but the thing is, I get problems with breathing all the time (due to anxiety) and have done for years. I understand what you're saying and I agree about the meditation and the breathing, however I've never had this before.
I've got acid reflux, could that be causing the problems or a panic attack?
Sorry for going round in circles, it's been a while since I've posted properly on here as I've been feeling better health anxiety wise.

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------


Hoping for some more replies? Feeling very anxious and scared

31-07-16, 21:25
They sound like classic panic attacks but there are also alot of none serious physical health issues that can cause similar symptoms. I assume you are far too young to be near menopause age??? Have you had your thyroid checked in the past 6 months as overactive thryoid can cause similar symptoms, have you had your blood sugar levels checked - some people get symptoms if they eat alot of sweet carby foods like this.
So while not for one minute thinking you do have a physical reason for your attacks your Gp could run bloods to rule out all of the above.

I have a bad habit of breathing too slowly or holding my breath and that makes me feel awful as if I am going to faint:unsure:

31-07-16, 22:11
They sound like classic panic attacks but there are also alot of none serious physical health issues that can cause similar symptoms. I assume you are far too young to be near menopause age??? Have you had your thyroid checked in the past 6 months as overactive thryoid can cause similar symptoms, have you had your blood sugar levels checked - some people get symptoms if they eat alot of sweet carby foods like this.
So while not for one minute thinking you do have a physical reason for your attacks your Gp could run bloods to rule out all of the above.

I have a bad habit of breathing too slowly or holding my breath and that makes me feel awful as if I am going to faint:unsure:

Thanks for replying. It's just weird as before the time it happened during meditation a few weeks ago, I hadn't felt anything like this before.
I'm too young for the menopause - I hope! I'm 27. Could other hormone problems cause this feeling?
I am going to ask for my thyroid to be checked at the GP when I next go. If anything I think I may have an under active thyroid as I've put a lot of weight on in the last year.
Yes, I probably should stop eating carbs and sweet stuff :weep:

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

So terrified tonight.

01-08-16, 07:50
Barely slept last night as I was so scared. Don't know what to do.

01-08-16, 07:59
Hi there,

What you are describing sound exactly like panic attacks. Have you not had these before? If not then it's pretty scary as it feels so much like a physical issue but it really sounds like panic attacks. They can come out of the blue with no obvious trigger.

Have you been under stress?

01-08-16, 08:21
Hi there,

What you are describing sound exactly like panic attacks. Have you not had these before? If not then it's pretty scary as it feels so much like a physical issue but it really sounds like panic attacks. They can come out of the blue with no obvious trigger.

Have you been under stress?

I have been under some stress I suppose, but my stress levels are always high. I've always been panicky but this is the first time I've experienced symptoms like these.

01-08-16, 09:03
This sounds like something I've been experiencing for about six years now, and which has gone undiagnosed for all that time. My doctor isn't worried. I'm still here and doing fine.

We've struggled to identify triggers, and it's a very subjective experience, making it hard to explain. I don't fear it, though. I've come to suspect that anxiety has affected my breathing over the years and that it might be triggered by overbreathing or by breathing in an unregulated way. But I could be wrong.

I'm actually seeing a neurologist soon, but only because I asked to. My doctor said she's very sceptical that it's anything neurological. Still, I'd like to get a neurologist's opinion.

But all the same, it sounds anxiety/panic related and will lose its impact on your life if you can stop worrying about it.

01-08-16, 10:52
This sounds like something I've been experiencing for about six years now, and which has gone undiagnosed for all that time. My doctor isn't worried. I'm still here and doing fine.

We've struggled to identify triggers, and it's a very subjective experience, making it hard to explain. I don't fear it, though. I've come to suspect that anxiety has affected my breathing over the years and that it might be triggered by overbreathing or by breathing in an unregulated way. But I could be wrong.

I'm actually seeing a neurologist soon, but only because I asked to. My doctor said she's very sceptical that it's anything neurological. Still, I'd like to get a neurologist's opinion.

But all the same, it sounds anxiety/panic related and will lose its impact on your life if you can stop worrying about it.

Thank you for replying.

Sorry to hear you've been suffering. I know where you are coming from, the thing is that sometimes it seems to happen when I'm just sitting there, not focusing on it or my anxiety...I'm really scared its related to my heart or brain. I'm suffering with a horrible sinus infection at the moment, lots of pain in and around my eye, my cheekbones and teeth so not sure if that's related.

Yours sounds like mine in that there doesn't seem to be trigger.

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 ----------

Took my blood pressure this morning (I know I shouldn't)

First: 118/76
Second: 113/72
Third: 113/71

These are all within the normal range I think, I do wonder what it's like when I'm having a 'turn' though.

01-08-16, 11:45
My Anxiety journey started with one of these "funny turns".

I felt an electrical feeling in my head followed by a rush of adrenaline throughout my body which lasted only a few seconds. I then got about 5 of them over the next month and a half.

They aren't harmful, mine have subsided significantly.

01-08-16, 11:55
My Anxiety journey started with one of these "funny turns".

I felt an electrical feeling in my head followed by a rush of adrenaline throughout my body which lasted only a few seconds. I then got about 5 of them over the next month and a half.

They aren't harmful, mine have subsided significantly.

I used to think I was the only person that experienced these. One of the reasons I left it for so long is I didn't know how I would explain it to the doctor.

The way it works for me is that I get a sudden flood of adrenaline, my consciousness feels somehow altered, my mind suddenly conjures up 'memories' as if there is a movie screen in my head. A few seconds letter it ends with the onset of sweats and everything returns to normal.

I always suspected a type of seizure, but I'm not convinced and neither is my doctor. I'm not impaired in any way when these things happen. I feel weird, yes, but I can still communicate and continue with a task when one is in hand. I've never come to any harm.

01-08-16, 12:35
I used to think I was the only person that experienced these. One of the reasons I left it for so long is I didn't know how I would explain it to the doctor.

The way it works for me is that I get a sudden flood of adrenaline, my consciousness feels somehow altered, my mind suddenly conjures up 'memories' as if there is a movie screen in my head. A few seconds letter it ends with the onset of sweats and everything returns to normal.

I always suspected a type of seizure, but I'm not convinced and neither is my doctor. I'm not impaired in any way when these things happen. I feel weird, yes, but I can still communicate and continue with a task when one is in hand. I've never come to any harm.

I don't have the memories thing with mine. Mine seems to happen shortly after I've eaten. Maybe it's panic, maybe I'm forgetting to breathe, maybe its a blood sugar thing, vertigo, hormonal or thyroid. These are all the logical explanations. However, I am convinced it's something worse - brain tumour, epilepsy or heart issues. When it happens, my heart beats up to 140 BPM and I feel weak and wobbly.

01-08-16, 13:40
I don't have the memories thing with mine. Mine seems to happen shortly after I've eaten. Maybe it's panic, maybe I'm forgetting to breathe, maybe its a blood sugar thing, vertigo, hormonal or thyroid. These are all the logical explanations. However, I am convinced it's something worse - brain tumour, epilepsy or heart issues. When it happens, my heart beats up to 140 BPM and I feel weak and wobbly.

The memories thing with me is weird. It's like I can see an old, forgotten memory in my head featuring people I don't even see anymore. Just for a few seconds. I rather enjoy it, actually. Then it's gone and I realise it wasn't a memory as such. Certainly nothing I recall as happening. I always feel obliged to point out it's not psychosis when I describe this. I've not lost touch with reality or anything like that. It could be a mild seizure in my case, but I've read tonnes of descriptions of various types of seizures and it doesn't quite fit.

As for you, if you had a brain tumour, you would have symptoms that progressively worsen. You'd be struggling to stand up, probably experiencing headaches and personality changes. There's no way this is a brain tumour. Brain tumours are also pretty rare.

Epilepsy is not always the frightening condition that causes people to zone out and end up convulsing on the floor. It can involve milder symptoms. In any case, it's a manageable condition. But in your case, it really doesn't sound like you're having seizures.

Heart problems too, once they make themselves known, tend to be more troubling than this. You haven't fainted, you aren't experiencing chest pains, you've been checked out medically. I think you can put this worry to bed.

If you feel you could find reassurance from a medical source then go back to your GP. Prepare your description of the symptoms beforehand so you make sure you get across exactly what you're feeling. I have a suspicion you'll be told its anxiety. At worst, you might get a referral somewhere because the doctor thinks it might help reassure you, which isn't always the best way forward, but I got an MRI scan that way and it helped me.

01-08-16, 15:10
The memories thing with me is weird. It's like I can see an old, forgotten memory in my head featuring people I don't even see anymore. Just for a few seconds. I rather enjoy it, actually. Then it's gone and I realise it wasn't a memory as such. Certainly nothing I recall as happening. I always feel obliged to point out it's not psychosis when I describe this. I've not lost touch with reality or anything like that. It could be a mild seizure in my case, but I've read tonnes of descriptions of various types of seizures and it doesn't quite fit.

As for you, if you had a brain tumour, you would have symptoms that progressively worsen. You'd be struggling to stand up, probably experiencing headaches and personality changes. There's no way this is a brain tumour. Brain tumours are also pretty rare.

Epilepsy is not always the frightening condition that causes people to zone out and end up convulsing on the floor. It can involve milder symptoms. In any case, it's a manageable condition. But in your case, it really doesn't sound like you're having seizures.

Heart problems too, once they make themselves known, tend to be more troubling than this. You haven't fainted, you aren't experiencing chest pains, you've been checked out medically. I think you can put this worry to bed.

If you feel you could find reassurance from a medical source then go back to your GP. Prepare your description of the symptoms beforehand so you make sure you get across exactly what you're feeling. I have a suspicion you'll be told its anxiety. At worst, you might get a referral somewhere because the doctor thinks it might help reassure you, which isn't always the best way forward, but I got an MRI scan that way and it helped me.

I haven't actually had my heart checked yet, that'll be my next step.
I've actually got a new thing where I avoid going to the doctor because I'm scared of what they will find. It's almost become a but if a phobia, but I know I need to go soon.
I'm terrified of MRI scanners :weep:

---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

Just to add, I've also been getting these odd shuddering breaths, involuntary, like after you've been crying.
I don't know what this is as I've never had it before. I woke up with one the other morning.
I am very congested at the moment and suffer with mild asthma...but it's a very odd and disconcerting symptom. I also feel very tired, like my eyes want to close all the time. I haven't been sleeping that well but still...I'm only 27, I feel like I'm 80.

01-08-16, 15:48
I used to think I was the only person that experienced these. One of the reasons I left it for so long is I didn't know how I would explain it to the doctor.

The way it works for me is that I get a sudden flood of adrenaline, my consciousness feels somehow altered, my mind suddenly conjures up 'memories' as if there is a movie screen in my head. A few seconds letter it ends with the onset of sweats and everything returns to normal.

I always suspected a type of seizure, but I'm not convinced and neither is my doctor. I'm not impaired in any way when these things happen. I feel weird, yes, but I can still communicate and continue with a task when one is in hand. I've never come to any harm.

I went the next day cos I assumed I'd had a stroke or Seizure and was terrified.

That started me on the nightmare, as my anxiety just went nuts and couldn't accept what had/has happened to me. Cue multiple trips to AE with dizziness and nausea and private neurology and MRI appointments. Nearly 4 months later I'm still alive, the "funny turns" have all but stopped (I actually had one 2 weeks ago but it was at a time of significantly heightened stress at work, confirming the diagnosis even more so).

Trust me, You are going to be fine! Anxiety is the WORST! It really is.

---------- Post added at 15:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

I've thought for a while that mine were down to a boring physical reason, I've noticed that throughout my Anxiety journey that i have been clenching my teeth almost constantly and i think this is putting pressure on my muscles in my head given me headaches and cramps in my head.

This caused the "electric shock" feeling which in turn i was terrified of and had a natural adrenaline rush.

I'm not saying it was this for certain but the calmer I am, the less I clench and the less I get the funny turns.

02-08-16, 09:56
I'm off to my GP today. So nervous. Feel like I'm going to pass out in fear.
I hare visiting the doctor these days as I'm always so nervous they will find something terribly wrong with me so I try and avoid it. Probably should have gone months ago but chose not to and I kept putting it off.

Gary A
02-08-16, 10:04
What you describe sounds like nothing more than a panic attack. It certainly doesn't sound like anything related to stroke or seizure activity. Most seizures last between 30 seconds and 5 minutes, and pretty much all of them affect consciousness.

There are what's known as simple partial seizures, when you do actually retain consciousness, but they tend to affect an arm, leg or possibly one side of the body. What you describe in no way sounds like a simple partial seizure, mostly because your entire body is affected, as well as your breathing pattern.

I'm fairly certain your doctor will advise that you've suffered panic attacks and will attempt to treat you for those, either by means of referral to a counsellor or by medication.

Try to relax, I know it's tough, but there really are no red flag signs in these episodes you describe, as scary as they feel at the time.

10-07-24, 00:53
What was the outcome of this? Did you ever get a doctors opinion as I’m having the same issues and struggling. Sorry to shoot up an old post

20-07-24, 06:50
These sound like panic attacks, don't be scared to be at home, or alone,nothing bad has happened to you during these it won't, as scary as they are they won't hurt you,watch yourself in the mirror during one tell yourself your fine and it will.calm you, your your own safe place no matter where you are....I promise you if you can stop fearing these they will go, they will become a lot less frequent, and a lot less.powerful eventually you will feel it coming and shrug your shoulders , feel the fear and do it anyway will be your motto...you have had the worst ,you know what it is it won't hurt you,don't be scared of a sensation it's not real ,caused by a tired mind.

25-07-24, 21:14
What the original poster described is a classic panic attack.