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View Full Version : Accepting of Health Anxiety

31-07-16, 18:16

I recognise that I have all the symptoms of a HA sufferer. The worrying has started to invade my life but before I take medication I feel like I should have some blood tests to check if anything is causing this change and also to get my sore throat checked out to prove to myself and others that it is just HA.

Aware this sounds a circular argument. I am interested in other people views on this?

31-07-16, 18:24
Hiya Kathryn313 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-08-16, 06:43
I too suffer from Health Anxiety. I am constantly vigilant now. I check my body daily and I am hyper aware of any symptoms I might have. I will be honest with you. Having your doctor do a complete physical does help put the mind at ease. But at the same time we often are a creatures of habit. Regardless of what our doctors say, over time we start to disbelieve what they have told us. Just remember that you are okay. I know how hard it is getting by every day, trying to convince myself that what I noticed this time was nothing more than my mind. I have started counseling but I really do not want to be put on any medications. Personally I picked a specialist who focuses on behavioral cognitive therapy. It seems to have fantastic results and focuses on rewiring the brain over time by looking at things in a different light.I haven't started any BCT yet but I have hopes that it will be a good start. I hope things start getting better for you. I know it takes time but we will all find the answers we are looking for. Just try not to get into your own head too much. It is a habit I wish I could break.

08-08-16, 07:04
Hi there,

I'd say it's not a bad idea to get bloods done and then you have a clear head to start on the healing process. If you genuinely think there could be something specifically physically wrong other than anxiety, that is. You sound very rational so a chat with the doctor before going on meds wouldn't be a bad idea anyway.

12-08-16, 08:41
Hi. It has been a crazy few weeks with this HA stuff. I did get to my GP early this week (told I have oral thrush - asthma meds) and she is doing a full set of blood tests today. I signed myself up for some private CBT and second session later this afternoon. However I almost feel like I am using the CBT as another tool of reassurance, it is a way telling myself (and have a professional tell me) that it's all in my mind - you aren't really sick, but then HA takes over and says why are you wasting time talking when you should be getting your physical feelings taken seriously. Which then leads to looking at what tests I can get done privately and self referred. It's all very confusing!

I do feel much better in myself, not crying all the time and have been enjoying myself. Took the meds for two days but side affects felt so extreme so stopped them and took some time out to get myself together. And hear I am now...

...having a anxious morning wondering about what the blood tests will show, I noticed my nails seem to have a pale mid section to them so spent a good hour yesterday googling what that may mean, and showing them to nurse friends who just think it's me, being me again. Am getting a rep as a worrier...I wonder why? :noangel: