View Full Version : Short pin prick like pains occurring on the top of my head randomly thoughout the day

31-07-16, 21:27

For the last 3 weeks I've been suffering from a weird flutter in my left ear triggered by certain noises that lasts only a second. Along with that for the last week I've been getting these weird sensations which come and go in a second or two - it's usually around the same 3 or 4 points on the top of my head, and it occurs during the day randomly. It feels like a small prick, or like someone is pulling an individual hair.

I'm terrified it's all linked and its some random nerve disease or worse. Any other symptoms I should be looking out for if so?

31-07-16, 21:31
I get these I've read they're called ice pick headaches. Nothing to worry about

31-07-16, 21:47
Do you get yours on the top of your scalp? I read about ice pick headaches and mine doesn't feel as severe as they describe, perhaps even slightly itchy and just occurring on the top rather than the sides or around the eyes like they suggest :(

31-07-16, 22:00
My most noticeable one is slightly to the right of the top of my head. I do get them randomly all over though but that's the one i get most often and hurts the most.

31-07-16, 22:06
Wow that's pretty much exactly where my most noticeable one occurs too, about halfway along the top of my head (if measuring from front to back) and slightly to the right.

Thanks for replying, I feel a bit calmer now. I'm going to see a doctor soon about this ear flutter after loud noises just to make sure everything is ok. I'm tired of worrying this year :(

01-08-16, 19:23
Grr, they're back again today. I went the whole day without really worrying about them until 4 or 5pm hit and then I was getting the sensation every 10 mins or so.

The best way I can describe it is someone getting their fingernail and gently pressing it into the top of my scalp for a second or so, then the feeling disappears. I'm not so sure this is an ice pick headache...