View Full Version : Help please. back again :( gum cancer fear

31-07-16, 23:09
so i have managed to stay off here for a few months but now im back again.
today the top of one of my molars completely snapped off. long time coming as ive had problems with the tooth for years, it broke about 8 years ago and since then little bits have fallen off and its often cause me a bit of pain.
since its snapped ive noticed a bone hard lump on the out side of my gum right beneath the tooth in question. now ive convinced myself its cancer!
its rock hard and ive never noticed it before but i dont often go pokin about in my mouth so it could of been there for years for all i know.
i noticed that a feeling of something being cause at the back of the throat was also a symptom of oral cancer and now im questioning the globus im experiencing.
i had full blood tests a few months ago (because the cancer fear was killing me then as well) and everything was completely normal.
im petrified of the dentist so going just wont happen at all :(
does anyone have any advice or similar experiences?
this is killing me again.

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

one of my molars**

01-08-16, 00:58
I'm having similar issues. I just posted

01-08-16, 01:12
This sounds like an abscess to me, not good...
I hate the dentist too but sometimes you just have to go. You don't want the infection to let loose in your blood, then you'll have real problems.

01-08-16, 02:02
As stated, a dentist is the only way to address this so if you can't go, I don't know what to tell you :shrug:

God luck and positive thoughts

01-08-16, 12:56
i'm just so scared, i always seem to convince myself its something really bad.
i'm literally crying constantly because of this

01-08-16, 13:09
Just go to the dentist. It's better than your worry.

01-08-16, 15:49
I have a niece afraid of the dentist, they give her a mild tranquilizer to take before she goes.

I bet that will work for you.

01-08-16, 16:33
I just fear the worst and im thinking theyre definately going to find something horrific.
I will make an apt, i just wish i could be asleep while it was all happening but then i still have the worry of what theyre going to tell me when i wake up.

01-08-16, 17:36
I know the fear and how awful it can feel but honestly if it was something treatable wouldn't it be better to just go and have it fixed? You'll be relieved after.

Some dentists do sedate people btw.

01-08-16, 19:25
I think i'm just guna have to go, you're all right. i'm just so scared but the anxiety from what it could be is taking over my fear of the dentist.
Does anyone have any ideas what it could be? other than what im thinking...

01-08-16, 19:36
Does anyone have any ideas what it could be? other than what im thinking...

Dental issues due to a lack of oral health care and attention.

Positive thoughts

Captain irrational
01-08-16, 20:14
so i have managed to stay off here for a few months but now im back again.
today the top of one of my molars completely snapped off. long time coming as ive had problems with the tooth for years, it broke about 8 years ago and since then little bits have fallen off and its often cause me a bit of pain.
since its snapped ive noticed a bone hard lump on the out side of my gum right beneath the tooth in question. now ive convinced myself its cancer!
its rock hard and ive never noticed it before but i dont often go pokin about in my mouth so it could of been there for years for all i know.
i noticed that a feeling of something being cause at the back of the throat was also a symptom of oral cancer and now im questioning the globus im experiencing.
i had full blood tests a few months ago (because the cancer fear was killing me then as well) and everything was completely normal.
im petrified of the dentist so going just wont happen at all :(
does anyone have any advice or similar experiences?
this is killing me again.

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

one of my molars**

I'm 100% sure it's not cancer. It's most likely just an abscess cause by an infection in the broken tooth, I had the exact same thing when a filling fell out of my back molar. Get yourself on down to a dentist and you will be fine.

01-08-16, 20:57
It could be a root of the tooth in question.

01-08-16, 21:40
thank you everyone for your advice. ill be making a dentist apt first thing tomorrow.
it always helps to get things off my chest and get a little input from others so thank you all again xx

11-08-16, 16:22
I had my appointment today at the dentist and not only wasnt it as scary as i thought BUT my teeth are actually in good condition other than the broken tooth needing taking out and a small filling!
The hard lump i was feeling was an abscess and should go after the infected tooth is removed.
As most of you told me...
Now i have 1 week to convince myself im not scared of the dentist.
If only it was as easy as convincing myself im dying :/

12-08-16, 12:11
I'm really glad you went and it was a positive experience! Focus on that!

12-08-16, 21:57
Thank you swgrl09 :) on wards and up wards x

12-08-16, 22:08
If only it was as easy as convincing myself im dying :/

I love this! Sums up health anxiety in quite the nutshell.

12-08-16, 22:32
That does sum it up.

15-08-16, 17:04
Sums it up well.
It's back again and i really dont want to google so just coming back on here to ask a question.
I asked the dentist about the lump on my gum and she first said she was 99% sure it was an abscess but would need to xray to be 100%.
After the xray she confirmed she was 100% sure it was an abscess.
Now after a couple of good days im back wondering weather cancer would show on an xray?
im pretty clueless about anything like this so in the past i have relied on dr google and this is just to help keep me away and hopefully settle my mind x

15-08-16, 17:15
Perhaps cancer wouldn't show on an x ray, but an abscess would and that is how he/she was 100% sure

15-08-16, 22:30
Oh yeah...i didnt think of it like that. Thank you! x

17-08-16, 22:04
So I have my appointment tomorrow to get my tooth taken out.
I am feeling so scared, its so overwhelming right now :(

18-08-16, 01:51
Hey, pat yourself on the back for getting this far. I'd be anxious too. But I'm sure it won't be as bad as you fear, as the first appointment wasn't either. This time tomorrow it will all be in the rearview mirror. :hugs:

18-08-16, 02:48
Best of luck to you tomorrow, I hope all goes easy as can be.

It's ok to be scared, you're in good hands, you're going to be ok.

Please let us know when it's all over.

18-08-16, 13:19
Hi, thanks for your replies and words of support.
So i had my apt this morning, and it was nowhere near as bad as i expected, although it was slightly uncomfortable it was not painful at all.
I did have a bit of a bad time afterwards, im not sure if it was the relief from it being over but i passed out as soon as she told me it was out and when i woke up my face was covered in wet paper towels and the dental assistant had rushed out to get a fan to cool me down. i was grey and pouring with sweat! that situation made me feel very thankful for the dentist and her assistant as they were so kind and helpful and i didnt feel embarrassed or silly as they just made me feel so comfortable!
but now that its all over I feel so relieved!
Im now sat here with a numb mouth and one less tooth and im soo so proud of myself.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply to my thread it really does help & it means so much to have this forum and its members for support! xxx

18-08-16, 13:24
:yesyes: Good going!

Positive thoughts

18-08-16, 13:26
:yesyes: Good going!

Positive thoughts

Thank you :)

18-08-16, 13:57
Great job!!! That's awesome! :hugs:

18-08-16, 14:55
Great job!!! That's awesome! :hugs:

thank you x

18-08-16, 15:27
Aweee.. when I read you passed out, I literally said .. aweeee out loud. Poor dear, this was scary for you. I am so happy you went, it's over and now you can relax over this tooth/bump thing.

Bravo to you for being so brave. :-)

19-08-16, 12:53
Aweee.. when I read you passed out, I literally said .. aweeee out loud. Poor dear, this was scary for you. I am so happy you went, it's over and now you can relax over this tooth/bump thing.

Bravo to you for being so brave. :-)

aww thank you :) it was a horrible experience but one that had helped me overcome a huge fear and now ill most definitely be going the dentist every 6 months!
I have to go back next week for a filling and a clean and im pretty relaxed about it. I've been so lucky to find my dentist, shes really helped me!

Thank you for your support as well it really helped me and it means so much.
That goes to everyone on here who has had a hand in helping me out :) xx

19-08-16, 12:57
Well done :D

19-08-16, 13:09
Well done :D

Thank you x