View Full Version : I'm watching Skyfall on ITV+1

31-07-16, 23:47
I last saw this movie when I was in a secure mental hospital. I was watching it with my new mental mates. I get quite nostalgic about things like that. Does anyone else get nostalgic about misery and incarceration?

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------

It's preposterous. Every single thing about this movie is. I've never handled a firearm in my life, let alone discharged one or shot at anything, but... James's old gamekeeper at his ancestral pile hands James a SHOTGUN, and says "this is your father's old hunting rifle. We couldn't let that go [they sold off the rest of the collection to a gun-nut in "Idaho" apparently]". Did no one on set know the difference between a shotgun and a rifle?

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:33 ----------

Time for more 'snow', anyway...

---------- Post added at 23:47 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

I forgot my clucking meds again tonight! Now I'll have to take them on an empty stomach and I'll become dyspeptic all over again... O! Woe is me; yes, I am Woe...

01-08-16, 06:44
Not about the misery, but I do get nostalgic about some things and have habits around them. Before my OCD I would come home after the pub and chuck a pizza in the microwave or a fry up in the oven and put on the same films all the time.

I know what you mean about the lack of attention to detail with the rifle & shotgun thing. I tend to pick those things out too. I guess I watched too many action films as a young man. :biggrin:

Viking (partial user name) on the OCD board had a thread recently about reminiscing about his OCD. That sounds a bit like what you are saying.

01-08-16, 07:47
I haven't been in hospital for my mental health but in 2009 spent 10 days in there getting treatment for what turned out to be pretty bad Crohn's Disease. At the time I was desperate to get out of there, but 3 years later I had a flare up and was back in hospital for a few days and it felt a bit like home in a weird way.

I think there is something nice about being looked after (I live alone) and having a break from regular life. That's what I found anyway, though I'd rather not have nearly exploding intestines in order to be looked after for a bit!

01-08-16, 14:44
Not about the misery, but I do get nostalgic about some things and have habits around them. Before my OCD I would come home after the pub and chuck a pizza in the microwave or a fry up in the oven and put on the same films all the time.

I know what you mean about the lack of attention to detail with the rifle & shotgun thing. I tend to pick those things out too. I guess I watched too many action films as a young man. :biggrin:

Viking (partial user name) on the OCD board had a thread recently about reminiscing about his OCD. That sounds a bit like what you are saying.

How do I "multi-quote" a message? I pressed the "MR" button next to the "quote" one and nothing happened!

Anyway, how is a fry-up done in an oven? Do you fry it pre-pub and then reheat it post-pub when you are incapable of such a dangerous operation as doing the fry-up? ;-)

Nearly TWO YEARS teetotal now. I hit that mark in early October! No regrets, no temptations. It's been remarkably easy. It's true what they say: that giving up any habit or 'addiction' gets easier with time. The first weeks are definitely the worst.

Yup, the shotgun was not just an incidental thing that lasted two seconds either because Bond went on to use that double-barrelled shotgun for the next ten minutes at least (two shots then you need to re-load). He also kept on re-loading the shotgun with an invisible supply of shotgun cartridges, too, as the line of his tailored suit remained immaculate (if a little too tight). Also, the gamekeeper sold 90% of the shotguns but kept 500 cartridges 'for old times' sake'...

Bond movies are so camp, too, with the stupid one-liners and double entendres that seem to be mandatory in each movie to keep the Bond traditions going. They are outdated now.

01-08-16, 15:37
Yeah, multi quote always messes me up too! Just heading off until later so will reply properly then but in the meantime hit MR next to each one you want and then click Post A Reply and it will take you to another screen (might me the Advanced Post) and they all show in it.

28-12-16, 19:54
I mean, I'm not a gun-nut, but just pure experience of, say, playing video games as a child or occasionally watching things like Countryfile (against my will) will mean that pointless information about the clear-and-evident difference between a shotgun and a rifle are absorbed gradually over many years. They are gleaned, crosschecked and refined in an organic process. The two common types of firearm have wholly different uses owing to their design differences and the dissimilar projectiles they use. You couldn't just arbitrarily decide to swap the two or use both for the same purpose. They are not just different brands of the same firearm.

16-02-17, 17:42
Sippin' a nice chardonnay chilled precisely to +11 degrees C, the optimum temperature for my taste experience. Four quid this little corker set me back. (It has a screw top, not a cork.) It's called "La Folie Douce", which sounds like an insult to my xenophobic ears.