View Full Version : Brain Hematoma

Austin Sayre
01-08-16, 02:45
So I am 21 years old and have had a history of concussions. Yesterday I was playing basketball and driving the ball under the basket. I was elbowed at the top of my head fairly hard but I did not fall or lose consciousness. I may have sustained a mild concussion but probably not since I was fully conscious and I could think clealry. Now I have developed a fear of a brain bleed after looking at some of the stories on the internet. I am terrified right now and don't know what to do. I cannot afford a CT scan right now because I am over my limit on my healthcare plan. I have had an off and on full headache.

18-01-17, 20:42
Hematoma can't be underestimated! You'd better go check soon! If it's not too serious, you can try to apply one of these remedies to treat hematoma:
- Compress cold and hot: It not only helps you feel comfortable, relax from pain but also stimulates blood vessel so that they can contract and reduce the risk of swelling. As a result, bruise will be blurred and risk will be limited. One day after applying the ice method, you should use a hot towel to apply on the hematoma skin areas. This will help to ease blood circulation and speed up the treatment for how to get rid of a hematoma.
- Cabbage juice: Use a cotton ball to soak this juice then apply onto the skin bruises. In addition to its ability to reduce bruising, cabbage also contains anti-inflammatory compounds.
- It is very beneficial in dissolving bruising blood. So, during the time of having bruises, you should add vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit into the daily diet. The reason is that it will supply your body a diversity of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
Source: https://authorityremedies.com/how-to-treat-a-hematoma/

18-01-17, 21:08
Once again Jull this is an old post.

Can I ask why you are replying to it now?

24-01-17, 06:23
Once again Jull this is an old post.

Can I ask why you are replying to it now?
I saw this post had no reply so I just wanted to help this post's owner :)
Hope it doesn't bother you.