View Full Version : Hi From Tracy - Generalised Anxiety Disorder

01-08-16, 06:00
Hi Everyone! I have suffered from anxiety since my early 20's (now 41 so quite a while). It hasn't been bad all that time, mostly pretty good, with a few hiccups along the way. Have been taking Zoloft for approx 15 years. Which has worked wonders with depression, but doesn't seem to quite cut it with anxiety. 10 years ago I went through a marriage breakup. I guess at the time I dealt with it by having a few drinks when I got home from work. I never really thought of it as being a problem, but it ended up being one. At the peak I was probably having 4-6 beers a night (I drank every night). Towards the end I had decided I wanted to get in shape and get off it. When I cut down I would get really bad panic attacks when I woke up, wouldn't drive, was edgy and anxious all day. I finally went to the hospital when I couldn't take it any more. They put me on a valium taper for the alcohol withdrawal. That all went fine, but a week later my anxiety came back ten fold. I work full time and have to children around 10 years old so being out of action wasn't really an option. I booked in to see my regular psychiatrist, which I only see when things get tough. He put me on 5mg of valium at night for sleep and because the anxiety is a 10 in the morning but usually fades a little during the day. I really didn't want to take the valium, but I needed a rest from the anxiety, as I was starting to go downhill fast, obsessive thoughts, depression and just feeling like crap. I have been on the 5mg of valium nightly for a week now. It has reduced the anxiety, I still have a little upon waking. I really don't like how I feel. Like I don't feel, I am just existing at the moment. I have another psych appoint on Friday coming so I am hoping he can lead me in the right direction. I was super anxious about going on the valium because I know how addictive it is. He told me that I need to trust him. Really looking forward to starting to feel better soon. Lost 5kg because of the anxiety, don't feel like eating and have a very bad flu now. My immune system must be down. I know things will get better, they always have before, but I hate feeling like this, especially because my kids are aware that I'm not well (teary etc) and they get upset also. Hearing other peoples experiences would be great. Thank you.

01-08-16, 06:06
Hiya Mermaid16 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-08-16, 06:33
Hi Mermaid:D.A big welcome from another GAD sufferer.

Karina :)

02-08-16, 03:36
Hello! Welcome to the forum!
Sounds like you're at a difficult point now but sounds like you have a lot of wisdom and positivity in there too :)