View Full Version : Going back to cit

01-08-16, 15:44
I was on 30mg of cit and 45mg of mirt for years and gained 3-4 stone so recently it was taken off me... Tried 4 weeks of flouxitine and it's made me so I'll, cant eat feel sick all the time etc.. Anyway dr and me have finally admitted defeat and stopped the flouxitine and I will be started on 20mg cit from sat!

01-08-16, 20:35
I was on citalopram for several years and things weren't too bad.
4 years ago things went pear shaped and due to changes/circumstances I've been on several different mh meds. The last one was Lexapro 5mg....never seem to get past the side effects.. nothing seemed to work and each day was a struggle.
As of this evening I am back on citalopram. My psyc.doc said 20 mg but I'm taking 15mg for a few days, to ease in gently.
let me know how you get on,
take care

01-08-16, 21:28
I will start a diary..... tonight I feel terrible while I let he prozac leave my system. ��