View Full Version : day 2 on increase 30mg

01-08-16, 17:38
Day 2 on 30mg... didn't feel too bad earlier but now feel so anxious it scary . Furious! !!! X

02-08-16, 18:13
That's normal polly, every increase and I felt the anxiety got worse temporarily. It's apparently a good sign as it means it'll work on the area that it's meant to (that's what I read somewhere).

02-08-16, 18:24
Thanks. Yeah doc did say the worse the side affects the better chance you have of fully recovering. Xx

02-08-16, 18:30
Sorry that doesn't make you feel any better though. Keep it slow and steady though, I wish I had!

04-08-16, 16:31
Any comments please. I'm on day 2 of increase from 20 to 30 mg citalopram. Feel very tired and can't seem to wake before 10 or 11 am and appetite is very poor at moment. Fortunately I'm on leave from work so the late start isn't much of a problem but I feel constantly weary and sleepy. Is this something that passes? Also the lack of appetite means I've lost weight and I'm living on bananas, toast and water! Does it go. I can't see the wood for the trees at the moment.

04-08-16, 17:32
I've just increased to 30mg and so tired it's ridiculous. Not lost appetite and put almost a stone on. I'm hoping it passes. Start a thread and see if anyone else can contribute. Hope it passes for you. X

05-08-16, 19:16
I'm sure all the side effects are normal in the early weeks.

I'm struggling with gastric problems - low abdomen aching and grumbling, I know this is usual but doesn't make it any nicer to tolerate. It's such a long time since I increased dose that I can't remember how I felt. I know when I first started on citalopram it took 6 weeks before I felt the cloud start to move. I've now been on them for 14 yrs with huge success but noticed recently they weren't working. I've been moved up to 30 mg from 20 mg and hope the increase works. Good luck to everyone