View Full Version : Every single day is emotionally exhausting.

01-08-16, 18:34
I'm at the very end of my tether. Everyday consists of me and my partner arguing or at the very least bickering. He will not help with housework. He leaves rubbish all over the floor and he is cluttering my house up and I can't stand it anymore. He will not help discipline my daughter or implement bedtimes etc I have to do every last thing. He just sits on his phone all day or dozes off.

Whenever I speak to him he never listens, I ask him not to do something and and he does it anyway. I'm sick of being disrespected on a daily basis. He is becoming so selfish and I just can't understand why. He owes my relatives money and hasn't paid a penny in over 6 months but he's been buying second hand junk hoping to make money from it. I feel really, really angry towards him and each day is a massive struggle.

My daughter is lying constantly, every single day about every single thing. She is keep correcting me and not doing anything i ask and I feel like running, far, far away from this house. I can't take it anymore I feel like nobody respects me and I just can't stand another day of the same old crap.

I also feel really insecure and whenever we go anywhere I get really angry when my partner looks at other girls which makes me feel really childish but I can't help it. It makes every single day miserable. I hate sitting about house all day and I hate going out as I just feel ugly, tired and miserable.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

My partner is packing his bags for about the tenth time this past year. The thought of being alone after all this time, the thought of losing somebody I would kill for is agonising. But I'm sick of him being a slob. Next year he will be 30, when will he grow up! I'm so fed up. He doesn't even listen to me when I talk to him, has no interest in anything I do. We can't talk about our issues or relationship because he just gives me the silent treatment.

I've never, ever felt this low. If we do separate this time, I will officially be single for the rest of my life. We were supposed to be trying for a baby next year and everything. I feel so worthless, frustrated and depressed.

01-08-16, 18:58
Sorry for what you're going through, I punderstand how you feel about being alone and losing your partner.

But sometimes a separation is a good thing, especially when you've reached the point in your relationship where you just can't agree on anything and you're not happy.

My husband left me after 12 years of marriage. We had also reached that point in our relationship where we bickered constantly and had no respect left for each other.
I was devastated and could have got an award for crying! Every single day for a whole year....:weep:

After 18 months we decided to give it another go. The separation was worth it. We both learnt so much. We are now back together two years already and our marriage is the best it could ever be.

Sometimes we have to experience a little rain in order to appreciate the sunshine.:)

01-08-16, 21:18
Thank you Beckybecks it's nice to hear of a happy ending after so much heartbreak. I'd be like you crying for about a year, i know I'd get over it eventually though.
We just don't see eye to eye. He won't accept any blame in our relationship or anything and I'm sick of being blamed for everything.
I'm going to let him make the final decision but i am truly sick of this. We've been together 10.5 years and I'd say we've probably only been happy 3-4 months at a time at the most. This past year has just been horrendous. I obviously suffer with depression which is putting a strain on our relationship but he's using that as an excuse for everything. It's all me and my miserableness