View Full Version : So scared :(

01-08-16, 18:33
Hi everyone,

So I've been posting about my throat/neck issues. I'm now having a total upset :weep:

I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant (twins). I have been having the following symptoms:

Discomfort on left side of neck (swollen node feeling)
Blocked left ear that won't unblock
Sweating hands and tremors
Mild sore throat
Weight loss/no weight gain despite eating a lot
Extreme tiredness (this could be normal)

I had a hunch something may be up with my thyroid (I don't have a history) and had it tested today at my clinic... it cam back very low at 0.27 suggesting I'm hyperthyroid.

I am so scared this is cancer and I'm going to lose my babies :weep:

I will be going to by GP tomorrow and getting lots of blood work done but I am so upset that something is seriously wrong. I *knew* this recent anxiety was a bit out of the blue and something didn't feel right.

01-08-16, 19:19
Ex thyroid info charity advisor here. Its highly unlikely your overactive thyroid is cancer and much more likely to be the results of the huge hormone upheaval of pregnancy. It is very common for thyroids to go haywire at puberty/pregnancy and menopause.

I am sure you Dr will be doing all the tests necessary to be 100% certain that it is not cancer. The treatment for overactive is usually drugs although I can't remember off top of my head about these and pregnancy but they would not give you anything that is harmful in pregnancy.

Overactive thyroid will increase your anxiety massively so hard as it is you need to try and stay as calm as you can:whistles: which I know is easier said than done.

The Drs know what they are doing and will have treated this many times before in pregnant women.

01-08-16, 20:23
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply Countrygirl. I did wonder why my anxiety just flared up massively - I will definitely try to stay calm. I'm on their radar now I guess so they are looking after me. xxx

01-08-16, 21:56
They will def be looking after you, in the short term being overactive and you are only just overactive with that tsh result will not do you any harm but obviously its not good to be left untreated long term. Please let us know how you go on, I am interested to know what they do.

02-08-16, 11:37
Thanks Countrygirl. My fertility clinic have requested all the T4/FT4/T3/TPO etc tests in a panel - I should get the results later today.

My GP is running a bunch of other tests... including an ECG.. although tbh it seems a bit over-kill :unsure:

I'm trying to relax as much as possible, but it's really hard!! Especially as I weighed myself again and I've lost more weight in the last week :weep: Think I'll stay away from the scales for a bit.

One thing that's bothering me though is no-one has felt my neck yet...I've had a good feel and can't find anything major (even though it feels weird). But I'm not an expert on doing thyroid checks!! I don't have a goiter or anything.


02-08-16, 16:06
The blood tests will give them a good idea of whats causing the hyperthyroidism and if they think necessary they will send you for an ultrasound of your thyroid.

The weight loss is absolutely classic sign even if you weren't pregnant so being pregnant with twins will make the weight loss worse, obviously eat as much as you can with good high calorie food whilst you are waiting for results.

02-08-16, 16:26
So once again at least some of my anxiety has been shown to be founded on reality.

My results are in:

T4 is 196 range 59-154
TSH 0.27

FT3, FT4 and antibodies are normal.

I'm waiting to hear back from my fertility specialist and GP.

Feeling absolutely awful.

02-08-16, 18:54
I appreciate you are feeling awful, to be hyperthyroid and pregnant with twins is a heck of a lot.
On the upside at least some of your tests are normal and although you are overactive I have def seem much worse test results because people have not realised and gone for many months before seeing a Dr.
Hoping they don't make you wait too long x

02-08-16, 19:37
Thanks countrygirl. It's all very complicated as this is my first pregnancy so have nothing to compare it to. What's normal symptoms of being pregnant, what's my medication (I'm on 40mg prednisolone and clexane both of which interfer with the thyroid) and what's me being a bit hyperthyroid?!

Roll on second trimester!


02-08-16, 19:40
Ah didn't know you were on drugs that can affect your thyroid. Hopefully all will be explained to you soon.

Casting my mind back 35 years to when I was pregnant!! I had a whole list of things that were caused by pregnancy. I had a large breech baby and the pressure on my stomach from his head somewhere up by my tonsils:winks: gave me crippling heartburn and left me with a hiatus hernia ( thanks son!).

02-08-16, 21:05
Uh oh.... I'm going to be on here 24/7 come third trimester with two countrygirl if you were like that with one! ��

02-08-16, 21:50
Every day is one more day closer to the day you meet your twins.

I had very close monitoring with my daughter at Queen Charlotte's Hospital in London and was a nervous wreck throughout. Every day was like a year and I obsessively monitored every single pain/twinge. I'd had fertility problems and this was my last chance-even the Consultant was amazed that I was pregnant..

Anyway I had a caesarean at 37 weeks (breech baby plus gestational diabetes) and the rest is history. With twins you are going to get the best care. I'd say try to enjoy your pregnancy but I know that's going to be far from easy! xx

02-08-16, 22:13
Strangely I did not have severe health anxiety whilst pregnant, did before and did after but not at the time. I was only 19 and ignorance was bliss of what could go wrong!
I had a large breech baby naturally and all was well - with breech babies you have an x ray a week before birth because rarely is anyones pelvis big enough to deliver but the Dr told me and I quote " well dear your pelvis is so wide I could deliver a london bus. so you can have your baby naturally". I was not happy as I had wanted a caeser but all was well.
You will be very very closely monitered with twins.
Enjoy the calm before the storm once they are born:yesyes: