View Full Version : Heart Echo tomorrow

01-08-16, 20:06
Hi Guys

was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as I have a Heart Echo booked for tomorrow. I am really panicking about it as I am not sure if I will be able to keep still for the test!! I am already very anxious about the results plus I don't want to embarrass myself by panicking whilst there! Any ideas or experience would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
(Am having the test for palpitations and a possible heart murmur.)

01-08-16, 20:18
There's nothing to it. A little greasy from the lubrication gel but that's about it. It's totally painless and over in minutes.

Positive thoughts

03-08-16, 20:37
Thank you so much for your reply. Just as you said 5-10 minutes and the sonographer was very kind as I told him I was very anxious beforehand. :D