View Full Version : blood clot, having panic attack

02-08-16, 00:07
So recently I've been having pain in my lower left back and groin area. Now when I flex my left foot my shin really hurts and is radiating into my calf. I've read about something called May Thurner Syndrome which can cause blood clots and I'm now panicking I have it. I have no swelling and my left leg is the same temperature as my right leg.

I'm taking shallow breaths, have chest pains and feeling like I'm going to throw up which I am taking as a sign of PE.

I've read a lot of articles on seemingly healthy young women who have developed DVT...

I've had this fear before after a long coach ride without getting up in January, I went for a doppler and it was clear.

I'm perfectly aware that I'm having a panic attack, but I just don't know if it's justified or not. I can't get myself to breathe properly.

02-08-16, 00:25
May Turner Syndrome? As always, when I read of some disease I've never heard of, it has to be a Dr. Google diagnosis. And uhhh no... I can very confidently say, based on the sheer rarity of this disease, you don't have this.

Positive thoughts

02-08-16, 16:08
I get all this because I have a bad back and the pain goes into groin and right down leg to foot.
This is a much more likely explanation for your pain than anything else. Have you done anything that could have strained your back?

02-08-16, 21:41
I get all this because I have a bad back and the pain goes into groin and right down leg to foot.
This is a much more likely explanation for your pain than anything else. Have you done anything that could have strained your back?

Nope :/ I always have pain in my upper back due to a problem in my neck but pain in my calf is too far away.

I've been reading about all these stories where people have only had mild symptoms and were young and healthy.

As far as I know I don't have a single risk factor. Don't take hormonal birth control, no surgery, not overweight, no trauma to the leg, only 21... But I did take an hour and a hour flight the other day, including a walk up the cabin.

I just can't shake the feeling.

02-08-16, 22:36
I used to have the blood clot fear...constantly. I now know that when I get pain in my lower back, it sometimes shoots into my groin area as well. There are a lot of nerves and connected muscles in that area.

Stay positive- You would know if something was really wrong :)

09-08-16, 01:20
Thanks so much for your replies guys, I really appreciate it.

However I am still panicking, I can't stop poking and proding my leg to check that it's the same as my other leg. It's still in a lot of pain. I asked my mum about it, saying my leg really hurts, and she laughed and said 'I don't know? Deep Vein Thrombosis?' and I said 'what if it is???' and she said 'oh don't give me all this again, I thought you were past that' (referring to my anxiety and reassurance seeking).

Is it possible to get blood clots randomly? I don't have any reason to, except for a 1.5 hour flight I took, and lying around in bed a lot.

10-08-16, 22:31
My boss battles blood clots; your symptoms would be more obvious if that's what it was.