View Full Version : I'm back...and I'm worried

02-08-16, 03:15
Hi all,

Not been on the forum for quite some time. I've been doing really well with my health anxiety recently but right now find myself worried and fed up.

Bottom line is I'm getting married very soon, very excited but also stressed which I think is normal. Anyway, over the last few months I started to get bad heartburn and reflux, convinced myself I couldn't swallow. Saw my GP who sent me for an endoscopy (worst experience ever btw) which was essentially normal just some inflammation due to reflux.

Prior to the test I was worried sick about what was going on and what might be found, I'm sure you can imagine what I thought was going on. I was breaking out in these hot sweats and that made me worry even more! On top of this I'm planning a wedding.

I've been trying to lose weight too by exercising and eating more healthy. However, in the last few days I've felt that my clothes have become looser, things which were tight a few weeks ago now fit okay. A colleague at work even commented on how impressed she was at my weight loss. Cue panic.

So...I still have these panics were I sweat, my stomach is now playing up, I get muscle and joint aches and pains everywhere (ongoing for ages and my GP put it down to low vitamin D!), I feel like I'm losing disproportionate weight (I don't weigh myself regularly so don't know).

Of course in my head I now think something sinister is going on and I'm scared.

Ironically I recognise that I'm also on this forum and doing all the usual health anxiety things like Google, reassurance seeking, but still can't stop worrying.

I'm just fed up. I want to say that this is all anxiety. Even the weight loss is somewhat intentional and the stress right now will contribute to that too...but there is always that voice in the back of my head.

Any words of advice or support would be appreciated. I just want to be happy and enjoy life...the worst thing is having had the endoscopy and got reassurance this new worry arose pretty much straight after.

Thanks in advance

Gary A
02-08-16, 07:53
Weight loss is only alarming if you aren't actively trying to lose weight. Bottom line is, you are. You're eating lower fat lower calorie meals and excersising. Weight loss is supposed to happen when you do that.

Planning a wedding is also stressful, it's perfectly normal to feel tense and anxious. As you have a history of worrying excessively about your health, you are more inclined to put those feelings down to some physical ailment, rather than just realising that these thoughts, feelings and physical sensations are perfectly normal body and mind responses to stress.

My sister is getting married next year and she told me the other day that she's barely slept since she booked the wedding. She's tired all the time, has no appetite and has lost almost half a stone in weight. Her own GP has told her it's all stress related.

You are, by nature, an anxious person. Something like planning a wedding is only going to add to that anxiety. There really is nothing physically wrong here, your body is merely reacting to heightened stress levels.

02-08-16, 11:24

Thanks for your reply. Everything you have said makes perfect sense. I have seen many others comment on the forum that stress can cause weight loss too. I'm just going to keep an eye on things and hopefully after the wedding my weight picks up again! I will refrain from obsessively weighing myself every day.

I think my biggest frustration is that I have had to return to Dr Google and seeking reassurance when I was doing so well. Thanks again for your support though!