View Full Version : 4 weeks today on increase

02-08-16, 11:12
Today marks a month since I increased my dose of citalopram from 10 to 20mg. It has been a roller coaster few weeks, I've felt up, down, elated, depressed, tired, wide awake, I've had nightmares, loss of appetite, sweats, but occasional flashes of normality. I'm hoping that it is still early days and that things will get better over time.

It is such a long road, and by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I wouldn't wish this condition on my worst enemy, it is exhausting and debilitating and also very cruel when it lulls you into believing that you are getting better only to stab you in the back the next day.

Onwards and upwards I say!

02-08-16, 11:38
Hi Mojo.
Good on you for sticking with the meds,i know how they helped me through some very dark days.Now it is like you say, Onwards and Upwards.You go girl.:D.

02-08-16, 12:05
I've been here before and just about to start them again after trying a mix of other meds... Trust me when I say you will get your life back... Cit changed my life and I might need reminding of that when I restart on sat and if I get any start up effects

02-08-16, 12:24
Day 3 of increase 30mg.. Anxiety through the roof.. tension headache ,can't get a deep breath, chest tight,exhausted.. not good.. brightside only 8 weeks to go and should be aanimprovement.xx

02-08-16, 12:48
Thank you ladies - mwah!

Polly, don't give up whatever you do. It is so bloody hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel with this hateful thing, but we must believe in ourselves and our ability to stick this out and recover.

02-08-16, 13:25
i know Mojo.. its so hard though!! But yes on wards and up wards, xx

04-08-16, 21:04
I'm back on citalopram after trying other meds./other doctors/other sorts of therapy.
Fed up of "same s***t different day" and peering up that tunnel.:winks:

hope you are all coping
take care