View Full Version : low grade fever pneumonitis and inreased esr

02-08-16, 13:14
Dear Friends,

I have been dealing with health anxiety since last 20 yrs and also have obsession over my health.

Two years i was obsessing with hiv fear and now with heart health. Also sometimes with cancer fear.

Two months before I went to one saloon girl for massage, but during the massage she took my manhood in her mouth for one second without condom. Also, i shaved my pubic hair three hours prior before the massage and her saliva went to the superficial cut. So, now i check with many hiv forum and all of them say it is not a risk. but still i fear of hiv.

I have been having low grade fever, mild body ache and chills since 21st of June 2016 almost more than one month , first when i went to Dr. he gave me amoxillin 500mg for one week. I took only 3 doses of antibiotic with 3 doses of paracetamol and stopped.

again 2nd episode was on 8th of July I started to feel chills and low grade fever on & off and I was waiting the fever to go on its own.

I went to Dr on 15th of July 2016 and upon blood test and xray it was diagnosed pneumonitis and increased Esr

I took clarithromycin 500mg twice for 5 days and the esr came down from 45 to 20.

but this mild feverish, running nose and mild body ache is still going on.

I am very worried and anxious

I am hypochondriac and have ocd tendencies.

Why my low grade fever and sometimes chills is not going

How much time it will take to recover from pneumonitis fever and when i will feel normal like before.

Does pneumonitis can cause fever and chills and how long.

I am not using air condition while sleeping in my room

My physician advice me to take 5 days more course of clarithromicin 500mg twice

Do i need to go for more test and more deep investigation for my low grade fever and chills

plz i am very feared and need advice.

02-08-16, 16:03
Have you discussed your hiv fear with your Dr? a test would rule it out and at least stop this worry.
Not taking a full course of antibiotics means that the bug does not get cleared and can make it even stronger so always take the full course to be sure.
If after your latest course of antibiotics you are not better then it would be sensible to have further testing to rule out other causes ( not linked to hiv).
Hopefully the antibiotics will work this time but do take the full course.

02-08-16, 16:18
Thank you so much countrygirl for your answer.

Actually I am working in middleast and their is no anonymous testing for hiv here, the work visa is connected to medical, which is done twice.

Anyone who is detected hiv are deported.

So, when i go to my country i will go and get tested.

Does anyone knows about pneumotitis and how long the low grade fever and body aches remain.

My worry is that, even after completing the second antibiotic course if the mild fever and body aches remain how i will handle this.

My physician is saying he has brought down the esr from 45 to 20 and the pneumotitis infection has been brought under control. He cannot do much more on this.

What should i do, What further investigation is required.

I need who has some knowledge on pneumotitis infection. How to deal with this low grade fever and mild body aches.

02-08-16, 19:01
I am assuming you have googled this?? From what I can find out this is not a disease in itself but a sign of an underlying problem - anything from infection to inhaled irritants to medication to radiation damage. The list of infections that can cause this is long and you should have a sputum test sent for analysis to identifly the specific infection if this is the cause. You should also have a CT scan of your chest again to identify any underlying cause.

So if none of the above have been done then go back to your Dr and ask why.

The answer you need is not that the condition is under control but what is causing the condition in the first place and this is what they need to find out.

02-08-16, 19:18
It's highly unlikely but unfortunately, I'm afraid your anxiety over this won't allow reassurance to help. Perhaps you can order a home test kit via the internet?

Positive thoughts

04-08-16, 06:53
i went to Dr and ask him why he did not make sputum or ct scan test, he told it is not required.

I forced him to do sputum and ct scan test. May be today or tomorrow it will be done.

He change my antibiotic to cefuroxine axetil 500 mg twice for 5 days.

I don't know what is wrong with me. It is worrying and making me anxious. When I will be normal.

I still feel mild feverish and body aches on and off, also feels chills. Especially i feel feverish in the feet and mild aches in the leg. Also sometimes runny noses. But when i see the temperature it is normal within the range of 36 to 36.5 since 10 days.

I did not google about pneumonitis as i don't want to go in much detail to make me fear. As I have Hiv fear since the unprotected one second of receiving oral sex 60 days before.

The Hiv forum are telling it was not a risk and their is no documented cases of acquiring hiv from receiving oral sex since last 30 years. Saliva is not infectious. The only risk is unprotected anal and vaginal insertive sex, sharing needles and mother to child. Hiv virus is not infectious outside the body and once exposed to air.

They are telling this pneumonitis is not related to hiv and you go and investigate with dr what is causing this and why it is not going.

I don't know what to do. I am sleepless and fearful since 2 months and especially after getting the pneumonitis.

Plz advice what to do and when i will become normal.

04-08-16, 12:32
I dont get cough, what sputum test can detect.

Sometimes, i fear this fever is ars fever and i am seroconverting due to viral hiv infection.

Does any one have idea of ars hiv fever

How long does the ars fever stays and how it is treated.

its now more than one month, i get on and off low grade fever and no antibiotic is responding.

This is making me more anxious now.

What is going on my body.

Today I did my ct scan and the report will be coming on sunday.

When i did xray and pneumonitis was detected, i was happy that, my source of fever has been identified and now i will be treated with antibiotic and my fever and body aches will go.

but now 8 days i am antibiotic and I am same like before.

Now i started to fear about hiv.

Plz any advice what to do.

06-08-16, 06:48
My antiobiotics are not responding. still i get body aches and feel mild feverish. I am very afraid what to do.

Plz advice

I am not able to produce sputum, how to get the test done.

06-08-16, 13:18
You do not need sputum from your lungs for the test - just do a normal cough and whatever is in your mouth is the stuff for the test.

If your ct scan is fine and your sputum test is okay then that rules out alot of possibly nasty causes of your lung problem.

Do you have any oedema in your legs or feet ( swollen puffy areas that leave a dent when you press them?) if not then that rules out another cause of your lung condition.

It seems as if you will not calm down until you have had a hiv test. You will have to decide how much you want reassurance from this test against the possibility you could lose your job if it was positive ( which it almost certainly won't be)?

06-08-16, 16:16
I don't have any oedema in my feets and my lungs.

Its very very difficult to go for hiv test.

Bcoz of one silly mistake i will spoil all my career, my wife teaching job and my two kids future, who are studying here.

If somebody is tested positive in middleeast he is deported as it is conservative country and not allowed here.

All Doctors and Hiv forum like medhelp, poz, webmd and aidsvancouver are all wrong in assessing my risk. All are fooling me that, it is safe to move on.

Everyone telling, their is no risk from receiving oral sex and their is no single documented case in 30 years due to oral sex and they will quote the study of 2 yrs, 5 yrs and 10 yrs where the couple (one positive and one negative) were engage in oral sex and no one got hiv.

Also, they are telling saliva is non infectious and hiv virus once exposed to air become inactive and unable to rendered.

All of them are liar and their studies are useless.

If i am infected and if this fever is ars (acute hiv infection) that means oral sex carries a risk.

Unintentionally of someone else mistake i am in risk. If she did not have taken my penis in her mouth, I would not have been in risk.

What to do I am very stressed and anxious.

Unable to concentrate on anything

How long the ars fever last due u have any idea.

How can i differentiate with this fever and ars fever.

Do hiv infection can cause pneumonitis and increase esr.

Are my fever and body aches related to pnuemonitis and esr or do to hiv.

Plz give some information and advice.

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

I got my ct scan chest report

Essentially normal non-enhanced CT chest study, Apart from small size reactionary
pretracheal lymph node.

What is this

Something related to my pneumonitis and increased esr

07-08-16, 13:43

I finish my antibiotic courses, but still i feel mild feverish and mild body aches time to time.

Now the infection might have finish.

Also, the inflammation might have brought down to normal.

Why still i am not normal.

Now it is 45 days i feel feverish with mild body aches and chills.

What I read in the hiv forum that, acute hiv infection fever should be from 7-14 days.

Does any one have idea of acute hiv infection fever.

My fever is related to pneumonitis bacteria or hiv infection fever. its very difficult to guess

plz any advice

What is the next step i do to recover from this fever.

08-08-16, 08:12
Dear Members,

Plz I am very stressed and anxious

Seriously i need some confidence and information on above.

What is the next step should I take for my mild feverish body aches on and off.

Why until now it is not going

08-08-16, 08:49
Sorry you are feeling so ill and anxious. If you still feel unwell I'd suggest another trip to the doctor BUT anxiety can play havoc with body temperature. Have you actually got a fever or just feel hot/cold?

08-08-16, 09:35
I am taking my temperature daily since 15 days for 4-5 times and it is always showing 36.4 to 36.8 only. but when i touch my body it is little hot

but I always feel mild feverish and mild body aches all over my body on and off. Also runny nose. I feel very fatigue that time, like no energy.

The mild body aches, which are like moving, sometimes feel in leg, sometimes in hand, sometimes on the back on my shoulder, sometimes on my head.

I don't know what is going on. It is now 40 days and it is making me worry.

As, I had a one second of oral insertive sex exposure with girl and I am fear of hiv.

A webmd hiv guy told me that, pneumonitis is a bacterial infection and due to this my esr has also increased. It has nothing to do with hiv. Hiv is viral infection.

As the fever came within the 2-6 weeks after exposure is making me more worry.

Does anyone have any idea of ars, hiv acute infection fever. How long the duration.

Does hiv infection can cause pneumonitis or increase the level of esr.

but pneumonitis is bacterial infection and hiv is viral infection.

I am totally confused.

Plz help me to differentiate.

11-08-16, 08:49
Any advice on my condition.

My mild body aches are not going. Its not more than 45 days.

The Drs had not found any clue about my condition.

I think i have to go for Hiv test

When i google about acute hiv infection ars seroconversiton, I get more anxious.

Any advice is welcome

11-08-16, 12:28
Pneumonitis is a lung inflammation from non-infectious causes, such as irritant gases or as an reaction to certain substances or drugs.

Since pneumonitis is not caused by microbes, you do not treat it with antibiotics.

It is bacterial pneumonia or atypical pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma, which are treated by antibiotics.

I think you need to clear this up: What is your exact diagnosis?
- Pneumonitis - and if it's this, what would cause it?
- Pneumonia - bacterial, viral or atypical?

A doctor can tell this from the tests, which detect microbes. Elevated ESR alone does not tell much.

11-08-16, 17:15
When i did xray it was mention

Picture of pneumonitis right lower zone.

When I did ct scan of chest

Essentially normal non-enhanced CT chest study, Apart from small size reactionary pretracheal lymph node.

Blood test report

Esr is now 28.

I dont know why i am feeling feverish and chills with mild body aches since 45 days.

As I went to saloon girl for massage and she put my penis in her mouth for one second and later she did sucking for 3-4 minutes with condom. But I feel her saliva (I dont' know she has blood in her mouth from bleeding gums or sore) coming down to the base of penis which has superficial cuts from shaving 3 hours prior.

So, i am fearing that, this could be acute retroviral syndrome (Ars) which starts after 1 to 6 weeks after exposure with fever, sore throat, rashes, swollen lymp node, ulcer, etc

I dont know i am very afraid as my only exposure was oral sex which is very low risk. I check with medhelp, webmd, poz, aidsvancouver, healthboards etc about my risk and they say it is no risk. its very tough to believe as my symptoms are not going.

I never got sick for such a long period.

I feel my temperature not going up (its between 36.2 to 37 max), but i feel feverish, chills and mild body aches on and off.

I cannot ask the Dr about my hiv fear as this is conservative country and it is immoral here.

So, may be think i have got some chest infection due to pneumonitis and increased esr so, treating me with antibiotics.

I dont know what to do whether it is due to chest infection (I took 10 days antibiotic course) or hiv infection.

13-08-16, 13:10
Hi, everyone my low grade fever, mild aches and chills are not going since almost two months, what shud i do now

The Dr . took the cbc, esr, xray and ctscan of test, pneumonitis came in xray.

I took antibiotic for 10 days no benefits.

What else test shud i do for my continous fever, chills and body aches on and off and mild.

any advice