View Full Version : Could Acid Reflux Smell Like Chlorine?

02-08-16, 13:53
Could Acid Reflux Smell Like Chlorine?
I have been anxiety free for some time now but recently, I have been getting this horrid taste and a smell, which I would describe as stale water or Chlorine (best I can describe).
I have done something stupid and googled it and found kidney failure.
Can anybody help, regarding this topic?
I cannot get into the doctors until 16th August.

Gary A
02-08-16, 13:57
Kidney failure would present with severe jaundice, weakness and vomiting. In short, you'd be a very sick person if you were experiencing kidney failure.

It sounds more like a sinus issue, maybe even nasal polyps. These both can distort taste and smell. If it continues then see your GP.

04-08-16, 17:29
Thank you Gary,

The funny smell and taste is still present but on and off.

I have no idea if it is anxiety or something medical wrong, it is hard to tell when you suffer with anxiety.


08-08-16, 22:25
I went to the doctors last Friday, who checked my throat and glands and everything was ok apart from puss on my tonsils but I never had any other signs of tonsillitis.

The doctor suggested 1 Omeprazole a day for acid and 2 Phenoxymethyipencillin 4 times a day for tonsils.

Today, I still feel sick with the smell and taste of a stale water and I have no idea, if that's what stomach acid will smell or taste of, so I'm convinced it is something else.

08-08-16, 22:44
Any problems with the water in your house? How about diet?

About 6 or so months ago we had the water in my town changed because of upgrades to the system and they just pumped it full of chlorine. I felt like I was in a swimming pool for days and I hated it.

I too suffer from acid reflux and am on a 20mg pill of omeprazole daily.

Have you perhaps tried going to an ENT?

08-08-16, 23:01
How long did the omeprazole take to work as I have taken 4 so far since Friday.

08-08-16, 23:07
I don't remember how long it took as I've been taking it for years now. I think it took like a week maybe but the doctor also prescribed mylanta antacid to help until the omeprazole "kicked in". After that it works great now, I hardly have any acid reflux problems even when I eat alot of trigger foods for me like tomato sauce or peanut butter.