View Full Version : Maybe would be funny, if it weren't 100% true.

02-08-16, 22:09
This is my current state of emergency, but it's my typical pattern for anything medically related.

1. Teen daughter tells me she noticed a lump under her armpit while shaving in the shower. I look at it and see that it looks like she nicked herself. And yes, there's a lump. I smile through the terror as I tell her it's probably an ingrown hair.

2. I walk in the kitchen and tell my husband that I'm going to start panicking now and to please go easy on me. This ain't my first rodeo. I know how it's going to go down.

3. I Google and find out that swollen lymph nodes in the armpits are quite common in teen girls learning how to shave who nick themselves. Doesn't matter. I start researching cancer treatments.

4. Finally Monday morning rolls around and I bring her to the doctor. (First thing, I might add.) I'm unsatisfied with their statement that they are "90% sure" that it's an infection. I'm even more concerned that they want to bring her in for a follow-up in a week to be sure all is well. Because apparently an overwhelming probability of not cancer and due diligence are cause for panic.

5. I start her on the prescribed antibiotics and check the lymph node for shrinkage with every dose until my husband tells me to stop being neurotic. It's as if he doesn't know me at all.

6. During a moment of lucidness this morning I accepted that possibly, it might actually just be an infection. Which got me thinking of all the nasty things that could have been on the razor that nicked her that gave her the infection. Which got me thinking about HIV. No, I don't have HIV. Nor does my husband. But maybe the tests we took years ago were wrong.

7. The lymph node has still not shrunk, which I know is fine because it's only been a day since she went to the doctor. Logically, I know that it can take weeks for a lymph node to go down. Logically, I know I should believe the doctor who said that the lump is movable, even though I didn't check for that myself and thought it was fixed. Logically, I know that my daughter isn't lying when she says it's painful when she presses on it. Logically, I know that because the swollen lymph node is right next to what looked to be an angry nick from shaving, was a movable lump, and was painful when pressed, that it's very, very, most likely infection. And most of the time I can fake normalcy and make it through the day.

But really...my stress level is so high due to how I perceive these types of events. (And make up new ones that don't exist, such as random HIV infection.)

8. Commence worrying about stressing myself into a heart attack. And, by the way, my own 20-year resident enlarged lymph node in my neck has decided to sympathy swell. So either I've been unconsciously touching it and irritated it, or our household is carrying some sort of rare infection that is making its way through all of us from youngest to oldest. Probably not likely, but it's what I'll think about now until dinner.

It's tongue-in-cheek, but really, I've been this way for years and it's exhausting.

02-08-16, 22:15
When I was about 14/15 I always got these in my armpit and they were really painful and swollen. It took about a week to go down and a lot of my friends have had them too at that age so please don't worry. It's very very common to get these in this area due to sweat,shaving etc. Also try the hot compression everyday as that really helps x

02-08-16, 22:16
Yes, she's doing hot compresses, as well. Thank you. :)

02-08-16, 22:19
Yes I admit to laughing at your post but only because I can relate totally to all you say. Been there and done that and worn the t-shirt many times:wacko:

I bet you have been fiddling with your neck lymph node without even realising it and this is why its come up.

Hard as it is, patience is needed here, sit on your hands and do not keep feeling your daughters lymph node or she will either get really annoyed with you and refuse to tell you in future when she is ill or you will freak her out and she might end up like you ( perish the thought:)).

Come on here and panic instead!

I am sure she will be fine once the antibiotics have worked.

02-08-16, 22:23
Come on here and panic instead!

Yep, that's exactly why I joined. I've lurked here and there for some time, but figured it was time.

My daughter already knows this about me and has already concluded I'm a nut, so there's that. Yesterday she was reading the bottle of her new medicine. I said "Oh, don't do that." She said "Mom, I'm not like you. I can read about the side effects without actually getting the side effects." :blush:

02-08-16, 22:24
Oh bless her she sounds like she has her head screwed on the right way unlike us on here:D

03-08-16, 21:14
Wow...this is so relatable!

It's funny yet sad at the same time. A constant struggle for all of us on here!

Hang in there!

03-08-16, 21:29
Count me in :-(
For years I struggled alone, The anxiety is horrible.
I also see it in my younger son. We talk about it, it actually has a name, he's not the only person on the planet that can't shut his mind off. I apologized to him, I told him he inherited it from me. :-(

03-08-16, 22:07
I completely get it, I get horrible anxiety too. My father was coughing the other day and suddenly I started worrying about him getting lung cancer. A very long stretch but here I was, in the middle of the night, unable to sleep about this.

May I also ask how does an armpit lump look? Or generally a swollen lymph node? I am not sure whether I have one or not and I am really worried. I'm not even sure how my armpit is meant to look normally, shaved so many times but I didn't really pay attention. And Google does not describe how lumps look, they just say to check with the doctor if you see a "lump".

I am kind of freaking out about this potential lump, I don't even know if it's a lump or what it is (bone, muscle?!!?!?) :( Is it easy to tell when one of these nodes is swollen?