View Full Version : Waking up screaming

02-08-16, 23:26
Last night I went to bed at 5. This morning, I woke up with an overwhelming and very profound sense of terror. I jumped out of bed and ran to a corner and huddled myself while screaming at the top of my lungs. Thing is, I don't remember why. I just remember waking up, being extremely scared for no apparent reason, my vision being a little dim and leaving my bedroom while screaming like a madman. I wasn't dreaming but I don't think I was completely awake either. I don't think I recognized where I was right away but it cleared up relatively quickly. The sense of absolute fright took longer to leave, which left me in the quite confusing and embarrassing position of being scared to death for no reason in my own bedroom and being aware of how ridiculous that was, yet being unable to calm myself down.

I woke my mom up with my wailing and she said I was unresponsive to anything she said and acted like I had bugs all over me (flailing around and thrashing). Thankfully I did not become violent or aggressive. After about 2 minutes I calmed down (this I remember) and went back to sleep, albeit uneasily because I was scared this was going to happen again. I remember checking the clock afterwards and it was 7:30.

I went back to sleep, woke up after 12 with burning chest pain and the impression something was in my throat (probably acid reflux). I took some Pepto and it cleared up. I felt pretty groggy all day, probably due to the lack of good sleep.

I'm pretty sure that was an episode of sleep terror, but the thing is, I've never had one in my life until now. Isn't that supposed to happen mostly to children? Now I'm scared this is heralding a neurological issue or another. However I have had one episode of sleep paralysis also, and my sleep has always been iffy. I sleep very late and take a long time to get going, probably due to my Asperger.

For once Google is not exactly unhelpful because there does not seem to be any link between sleep terrors and awful diseases, in fact it seems to just be linked to anxiety, which I have had lately for many reasons, and depression, which I've had on and off since I was 13, and it can be precipitated by acid reflux, which I'm pretty sure is what happened because my stomach was bothering me when I woke up for real.

Mostly I'm looking for other people who've had that happen to them. Can this be just a one-time thing or does this mean it'll happen again and again from now on? I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight even though I'm quite tired already. It frightens me that this could happen again. As a grown man I've never experienced something half as terrifying as this.

03-08-16, 11:47
You have my sympathy, nightmares/terrors really are a horrible thing. I've had similar episodes which have resulted in me bolting for the door. But I do believe its the product of an extremely anxious mind, or that of someone who is depressed, working overtime while we sleep. It's not harmful (and stop Googling!) but naturally, it makes you fear a repeat episode. Just remember that although you were really scared, no harm came to you. There is no specific reason for it, it many never happen again, but if it does, you will be fine, albeit shaken up.
Anxiety has a lot to answer for, and is a powerful thing. Hit back by keeping to your normal nighttime routine. Sure you'll be fine x

04-08-16, 03:15
That is a night terror, I dated a girl who used to have them. Scared the bejesus out of me the first time it happened