View Full Version : Mole Biopsy Anxiety

03-08-16, 00:58
Hi Everyone!

First time posting here. I have a history of anxiety, but never HA. I honestly thought I was getting it under control, but slowly I have noticed it creeping back in.

About a week ago I was scratching my husbands back like I often do and for whatever reason noticed a mole on his back. It was kind big with weird borders. I immediately started to panic about it. I looked back at an old pic and noticed it was always there. But of course now I am questioning if it changed. I made a derm apt which was last Friday and the derm looked him and said all looked ok for now and was about to dismiss him until next year. As she was walking out the door My husband said, so you're sure it looks okay? My wife noticed it while scratching my back..." And she was like, you know what lets just remove it.

So now I'm in the Hell of waiting on the biopsy results. They said possibly two weeks, I do not know how I am going to get through it. It is consuming my every thought, I can't concentrate and I feel sick.

Everyone thinks I am over reacting, I wish my brain could believe them!

Anyone in the same boat?

03-08-16, 01:48
Hi Loken,

There's a lot of nice folks here and also many who've been where you're at and I'm sure they'll chime in.

I'm not a sufferer. Just someone who's been through serious illnesses and has a rather pragmatic approach to health concerns. I also have a daughter that suffers from anxiety and depression. Saying that, I know and you know you're overreacting. I also know that your anxiety pushes back extremely hard and despite all reassurances, it's very difficult to take it on enough to truly calm you down.

That being said, it truly appears that the doctor took off the mole as a reassurance move and testing is routine. Heck, I just had a nasty raised black mole frozen off my armpit. Eh... nothing to it. I'm sure all will be well and I'll owe you a "told ya so" :)

Positive thoughts

03-08-16, 02:01
Oh yes, I can relate to the hell of waiting for test results. Horrible.

Got to remember, the Dr wasn't even going to remove it now... I'd feel pretty good about that.

That said, the only thing that will truly ease your mind is the pathology report.

I hope it's sooner rather than later, it's such all consuming misery to wait.

03-08-16, 02:08
Hi Loken,

There's a lot of nice folks here and also many who've been where you're at and I'm sure they'll chime in.

I'm not a sufferer. Just someone who's been through serious illnesses and has a rather pragmatic approach to health concerns. I also have a daughter that suffers from anxiety and depression. Saying that, I know and you know you're overreacting. I also know that your anxiety pushes back extremely hard and despite all reassurances, it's very difficult to take it on enough to truly calm you down.

That being said, it truly appears that the doctor took off the mole as a reassurance move and testing is routine. Heck, I just had a nasty raised black mole frozen off my armpit. Eh... nothing to it. I'm sure all will be well and I'll owe you a "told ya so" :)

Positive thoughts

Fish thank you so much for the reply!

You hit the nail on the head!! I am always amazed by how powerful the mind can be!!

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 21:07 ----------

Oh yes, I can relate to the hell of waiting for test results. Horrible.

Got to remember, the Dr wasn't even going to remove it now... I'd feel pretty good about that.

That said, the only thing that will truly ease your mind is the pathology report.

I hope it's sooner rather than later, it's such all consuming misery to wait.

Thank you Nancy!

If you don't mind me asking, was it skin biopsy results you were waiting for?

03-08-16, 02:19
Yes. I've had a few moles removed but by far the scariest was the black spot that just appeared on the top of my hand out of nowhere.

OMG, I was absolutely petrified.

All were benign.

03-08-16, 02:22
So happy to hear they were all benign Nancy!

Ugh this really is horrific torture. Did you have to wait the full two weeks?

03-08-16, 02:34
It's usually more like 7 to 10 days, but the biopsy of the spot on the top of my hand went over the 4th of July holiday so it was longer, I seriously shook every day worrying about it. Horrible

03-08-16, 02:38
It's usually more like 7 to 10 days, but the biopsy of the spot on the top of my hand went over the 4th of July holiday so it was longer, I seriously shook every day worrying about it. Horrible

I'm so sorry you went through this. I don't wish it on anyone!!

03-08-16, 03:03
I agree, I don't wish it on anyone either.
But some don't worry like this, I'd like to know how they do that? I would seriously like to know.

Once something triggers my worrying, it affects me 100%

03-08-16, 03:13
I agree, I don't wish it on anyone either.
But some don't worry like this, I'd like to know how they do that? I would seriously like to know.

Once something triggers my worrying, it affects me 100%

I know just what you mean. I wish I knew too. My co worker said, why worry about something you can't control. Well sure that sounds rational enough, but once anxiety gets your, you're in way too deep for that!

03-08-16, 03:21
Oh, and "don't worry until you have something to worry about"

Really? Ugh! How about you teach me how to turn it off?

03-08-16, 14:38
I have learned some CBT techniques from a counselor that REALLY helped me. It didn't take me all the way back to good mental health, but it gave me some coping tools.

As to the biopsy thing, a year ago I had a mole that my doctor thought was nodular melanoma, the scariest, most lethal kind. I did not go to the appointment worried, but I left horrified.

The worst part was, two days later I was supposed to go on a 2 week trip to England with my wife, and I could feel anxiety ruining everything. The nurse called me as we were going to the airport, and told me benign, and to have an awesome trip. We did!

Though I did the trip with four stitches in my butt--hadn't expected that.

The point I am making is that soon you can be as relieved as I was.

04-08-16, 01:29
I have learned some CBT techniques from a counselor that REALLY helped me. It didn't take me all the way back to good mental health, but it gave me some coping tools.

As to the biopsy thing, a year ago I had a mole that my doctor thought was nodular melanoma, the scariest, most lethal kind. I did not go to the appointment worried, but I left horrified.

The worst part was, two days later I was supposed to go on a 2 week trip to England with my wife, and I could feel anxiety ruining everything. The nurse called me as we were going to the airport, and told me benign, and to have an awesome trip. We did!

Though I did the trip with four stitches in my butt--hadn't expected that.

The point I am making is that soon you can be as relieved as I was.m

Thank you for the reply lof! I'm so glad you didn't have to spend your whole vacation worrying!!

04-08-16, 02:21
How are you doing today Loken11?

04-08-16, 03:33
How are you doing today Loken11?

Nancy, thank you so much for asking about me. Still anxious, but I actually don't have that climbing out of my skin anxiety feeling today. I called the doc and the results aren't in yet.

Do you mind if I ask, did they do a shave biopsy on your mole? My husbands incision site is blackish you can kind of see the pink underneath. I am hoping its a mix of scab iodine and liquid bandaid but I am seriously stressing the black is either cancer under the mole or an indication the mole was super deep.

04-08-16, 03:46
Good to hear you're hanging in there.

With the black spot on the top of my hand, the dr numbed the cut it off with a slice, then she said, "oh, it's dark under there" (omg that's the last thing I wanted to hear) then she cut again but deeper. Thinking back, she really had a way with words. After she was done she said "well, it's gone for now".

It was various colors as it healed.