View Full Version : Hi I'm suffering servere aniexty and intrusive thoughts

03-08-16, 10:50
Hi there I'm really worried about my mental health, I've been suffering aniexty /intrusive thoughts for 7 years, I am on cipralex and quetapine, I've had months and up to a year at times feeling fine. But the latest trigger is my mum who is paranoid schizophrenic is unwell and I've been battling to get her better and have a stay in hospital, it's finally happening today she's being sectioned as she's very unwell.

I should feel relived but all the horrible and scary thoughts are still there, I have thoughts, not to take my tablets, to put things in the bin, and the worst one is I was dancing be silly with my daughter then I had a stupid thought that I'm Britney Spears, I then find myself looking in the mirror thinking am I her? And comparing features ( please don't laugh I know it's sounds stupid) also when flicking through a magazine I'm aware of eyes looking at me, when I go out I feel very disconnected to the world, not quite with it. I know my mum has a lot of these traits in her illness, so maybe I'm testing my Brain to see if I'm like her? It's my ultimate fear to have a illness like her, but I know she has ALOT of other symptoms and she looks generally unwell

I went to see a mental health nurse a few days ago, I didn't tell her everything as I was very embarrassed, but I told her about the funny thoughts and she thought it was aniexty / ocd / intrusive thoughts.

does anyone think I'm schizafrenic? Or could it be aniexty? Any advice would be very apprciated or if you've had similar thoughts? Also my doctor said they don't want to increase my medication anymore. Thank you so much if you have took the time to read this

03-08-16, 10:58
Hiya clarelaurenclare and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

04-08-16, 11:07

I couldnt even begin to answer your questions but to me you sound under a huge amount of pressure and responsabilty and that alone would trigger fears and anxierties in me. Dont ever forget to take time to care for yourself to relax space to breath.