View Full Version : panic attacks at night

21-03-07, 11:57
does anyone have any particular advice about coping with panic attacks at night. At the moment i keep waking with night sweats and palpitations, which leads to panic. I am reluctant to take HRT! Anyone out there at this time of life or are you all younger?
thanks for any help/advice:shrug: :blush:

21-03-07, 12:08
Hi Serena, I am going through the menopause, and wont take HRT either, my sweats arent too bad, but have you tried Magicool ( I always have a can next to my bed) just spray it over you and on your sheets and it really cools you down, brill on those hot summer nights as well. Hope this helps a little

Barb xx

21-03-07, 13:21
thanks Barb
I do have a Lavender spritzer which cools me down but at the moment I just seem to get "hooked" into panic. I think I shall try a "vetiver" aromatherapy bath which I read about. Any other suggestions very welcome. Thanks - most people I know take HRT!

21-03-07, 16:53
Hiya Pam, have you tried the No Panic night time crisis telephone number. ITS AN ANWERING PHONE SERVICE, with a calming message, you can also access the same message during the day.

Night time, after 10pm.............0808 808 0545

day time..................................... 01952 525173

hope this helps. Sky

21-03-07, 17:36
If you have a MP3 player or iPod then listening to that helps alot. It sends me to sleep quite easily, and my Mum too. It should calm you down.

21-03-07, 18:14

Try taking some kalms as well. You could either take the night time one's or the day time demends on what time you wake up and if you have to get up for work which one's you take. I panic at night and i find these help. I am 45 and wake up so many times just burning up and then i cannot get back to sleep for hours as it takes so long to cool down, I did have a Chillow Pillow which was really good but i need a new one as i have hole in mine. lol. Money is tight at the moment though so will try the Magicool instead. Also have some Rescue Remedy while you are waiting for the kalms to kick in. A good site to look at for help with the menopause is power-surge.com


22-03-07, 06:22
Hi Serena, i do this too and especially very early in the morning, around 5am most mornings in fact.I understand there is a direct link between panic attacks, sweating etc and menopause.I make myself havea cammomile tea and go back to bed and listen to a relaxation tape.It helps to relax and maybe it would help you too, Bubbleblitt

22-03-07, 10:53
i do take hrt ,but not all the time:wacko: I use a fan at night to keep me cool,spritzers[not the wine variety]i did try alternative herbal cures ,but my sweats and burning up are so savage and send me into such panic..i take hrt kinda a fortnight on then off type thing..my dr is no help what so ever!I now [of course:blush: ]think i willhave a stoke:blush: When i go red my son says i look as tho i have been flambe'd like a crepe suzzette!!!You cant beat lavender oil for camling you down and you could mix it with cold water and put it in a spray bottle next to your bed ,so you can spritz yourself as needed!:flowers: so you willbe cool and calm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-03-07, 12:04
:hugs: thanks Pauline
I now have a chillow pillow which helps and my sister is going to buy one too.
:yesyes: :yesyes:

26-03-07, 12:55
Hi Serena

At the end of 2006 I experienced a major trigger which started my acute anxiety and panic attacks. I have been aware that I've been going thru the menopause for a little while - although I still have a full-blown period every 28 days. I'm 54 this year, and have been soooooooooo looking forward to my periods ending, and have always been dead against HRT (well most meds anyway) - I've always wanted to do things "naturally".

HOWEVER, the menopause kicked in BIG TIME at the same time as my anxiety. I never thought I could feel SO ILL!!!!!

Reluctantly in January I started on the combined HRT patches - I still have a period every 28 days. I plan/hope to only take it for one year.

My husband and I did a TREMENDOUS amount of research before, at my GPs suggestion, deciding to go down this route.

I have to say I feel SOOOOOO much better!!!!!

Do try to continue do it naturally, BUT DON'T dismiss HRT completely - there are other benefits too (as well as regulating your cycle and getting rid of the nightsweats, hot flushes etc). My GP friend has been on HRT for almost 10 years, and she tells me that most female GPs she knows of an appropriate age autmoaticaly start taking HRT!!!!

Hope the above is useful


26-03-07, 13:19
Hello Serena!

Thankfully my night time 'episodes' are few and far between , they mostly happen first thing in the morning now. Do seem to increase when I'm anxious though.

I found that a good old-fashioned cold flannel, not wrung out too much, for face neck arms etc. gave some relief. And a cup of Camomile Honey & Vanilla tea, not too hot.

I also find that I can't stay in bed while this is going on, so have to get up even for a little while til I've 'come down' off the ceiling so to speak. I'm only peri-menopausal at the moment and still have regular periods, but I've been told that the longer you can keep your periods, the better it is for you!! Has something to do with your progesterone levels??

I too am reluctant to go on HRT, but if the need ever arises I think I'll probably give it a go. Think Sandie has the right idea!

Take care :)

27-03-07, 12:28
Hi Serena

Glab you have found the Chillow Pilow helpful. Have to say that you have encouraged me to buy another one lol. They have gone up though concidering how much i paid when i first brought one. They are worth it though.


27-03-07, 20:51

I haven't started the menopause yet (i'm 37) although I did have a hysterectomy last year which has done no good at all to my poor hormones (have one ovary left) I've found my panic has got worse since and whereas before I was getting sooo much better I have taken a big step back. I had a huge attack last night and got myself in a bit of a state for two hours ! Do find rescue remedy takes the edge off and I started txting my DH who is away on business and that helped (distraction)

Not much fun a times being a woman

Luv jules