View Full Version : Need to tell people everything?

21-03-07, 13:09
I sometimes feel I need to tell people everything on my mind, is this something you get with anxiety? I sometimes need reassurance from people and I think thats anxiety but I seem to blurt things our or go on a bit is this normal?

21-03-07, 13:16
Oh Hun what is normal?:) i do the same as you too,my daughter gets embarrassed if i get an attack of the verbals:blush: sometimes it is about my anxiety ,some times just general ramblings..'Lord mom ,have you been on the coffee?'is her usual comment:blush: Dont worry bout it,hey tell us all your thought ,we will not judge you:flowers: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-03-07, 13:24
I just worry my manic depression is coming back. I am on medication and I'm fine, people have told me if was going back that way they would notice and they would just up my dose of medication..thats my biggest worry at the moment. I have been reading a book on anxiety and found it helpful :)

Reading this forum I see loads of symptoms other people get and I get this aswell. I know I am worrying about nothing most of the time and I've tried to write stuff down and tried to have a worry time but it's not had much effect so far.

I have had less panic attacks the last week or so...which I think is good :)

21-03-07, 13:58
oh i dont like the phrase,'worrying over nothing '..it is something to us isn't it!Your fear of your manic depression coming back is very real to you.But try to take reassurance fromyour friends,that they will tellyou and guide you if this should happen .But as you are taking your meds it is highly unlikely any way:D You are doing so well,dont beat yourself up over this worry of yours,just kinda accept it,and the fear is never so great...that is what i do:flowers: xxxxxxxxxx

21-03-07, 21:03

I'd like it to go on record that this is the shortest reply to a post GG has made.......or is ever likely to!! (and yes, it was very difficult for me!)

lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:


23-03-07, 10:04
Yep, feel like that all the time!

23-03-07, 10:05
Of it not all the time, at least when I start to worry - feel like i need to confess

23-03-07, 15:12
I find confessing my sysmptoms and explaining why they are nothing serious actually helps!! bit of a change from a few months ago when I was scared to tell anyone in case they thought I was crazy!! Trying hard not to let too many people at work know tho!! :s

23-03-07, 22:08
I can relate to all what you are saying Phil. It certainly helps to clear you're head to talk about whats on you're mind, i do it a lot and it is a symptom of anxiety.

Hope you feel a lot better really soon
