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04-08-16, 13:55
I've recently just bought a house and we're doing a lot of work to it , its been quite stressful but im usually ok when it comes to stress i brush things off but last week or so me and girlfirend have became equally frustarated and started to argue so muhc that im not sleeping as well as i'd like and im getting stressed out in work.

can stress cause you to get pains in the chest are , i have kind of dull but sharp pains in my chest on both sides plus i keep getting similar pains in my head aswell , is this linked to stress?

15-08-16, 15:51
Chest pains are one of the most typical symptoms of anxiety. Stress can definitely cause this. I also get it if I'm very worried. It goes away if the underlying anxiety is calmed down (for example I "let out" the feeling by breathing rapidly and deeply - but hard exercise also works).

15-08-16, 23:13
YES. I get them, lightheaded, fatigued...all of it. Just breathe! (Easier said than done!) I like the 4-7-8 method. Helps me sleep and calm down when feeling particularly panicky.

Congrats on the house! That's a lot of fun, but a lot of work as you know! :)